Chapter 71

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"Do you really don't care at all?" Shen Yuyuan didn't believe that Yin Yan didn't care about Gu Jiachen at all. Does Yin Yan really care? impossible.

    Yin Yan pretended not to care and shifted his gaze, as if he really didn't care. He cast his eyes down and glanced at his palm, as if he had made some determination, and said to Shen Yuyuan with his head tilted.

    "I don't want to care about him at all now. If Shen Yuyuan, I wanted to care about him, I would have looked for him long ago. Now I really don't want to hear anything about him at all, I don't want to at all."

    Yin Yan feels that some things should not be a second time after being planted once. They are affected again and again. They are softened and liked again and again. Yin Yan does not want to be like this. He still has a lot to do. It is enough to humiliate the Gu family once.

.Shen Yuyuan saw the seriousness in Yin Yan's eyes, and Shen Yuyuan thought, now, even if Gu Jiachen fought a battle at home, he would lose in front of Yin Yan.

    Shen Yuyuan did not say sympathy for Gu Jiachen, just thinking, if Gu Jiachen really asked the Gu family to find Yin Yan, in case all he got was that Yin Yan didn't like him or Yin Yan found his omega, Shen Yuyuan couldn't imagine. How is Gu Jiachen.

    "Sorry, my tone was a bit rushed." Yin Yan released his fingers, his palm was pinched red by himself, but Yin Yan seemed to have no reaction at all.

    "It's okay, then... it's okay." Shen Yuyuan wanted to say something, and then realized that he seemed to have nothing to say, Yin Yan's attitude was already

    Here, needless to say anything in fact.

    "Shen Yuyuan, thank you for telling me his current situation. He committed suicide. Has he been rescued?.Are you okay now? "Yin Yan seemed to be asking about the current situation of an ordinary friend, like a daily greeting.

    "He was okay. He went to the city center hospital to have his stomach lavage. He should still be hospitalized. When I visited him that day, he was a little weak. Now I don't know what is going on. His parents asked someone to take care of him."

    Shen Yuyuan thinks about it and feels a bit pitiful. His parents find someone to look at his son like a prisoner. They don’t let him go, don’t let him do anything. They can’t even touch their mobile phones. If they’re bored, just read a book. Watching TV, don't think about anything else, it really is like a prisoner.

    "That's good.".Yin Yan nodded to indicate that she knew it. When she looked up to the front, there seemed to be broken stars in her eyes. Shen Yuyuan felt that Yin Yan like this was more like when the two of them had just been at the same table. They were unkind and indifferent, like something. Nothing can attract his attention.

    Yin Yan is really too pretty. When I see his face, people forget that he is an alpha, but every time Yin Yan and Gu Jiachen stand together, Yin Yan is a bit taller than Gu Jiachen, and his height and pheromone are there. Tell others he is an alpha.

    What if, what if Yin Yan is not with Gu Jiachen.

    "Listen well." Yin Yan tapped Shen Yuyuan's head lightly to stop him from distracting. The old class had watched it several times.

    "Oh." Shen Yuyuan touched his head, did he really show such calmness? Do you really don't care at all?

.After Fu Cheng left, he started formal self-study in the afternoon. Most of the time was spent on self-study. Now it is the final sprint stage. The most important thing for the teachers is to give them the question bank to consolidate and explain some difficult problems. one time.

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