Chapter 62

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Afterwards, Fu Chengyue didn’t see Gu Jiachen much. The people in his family kept him at home. Fu Chengyue didn’t know if Gu Jiaqi listened to what he said, or if Gu Jiachen became like him. Don't care anymore.

    When Shen Yuyuan learned about Gu Jiachen and Yin Yan, Fu Cheng more thought that Shen Yuyuan would say something and help Yin Yan, but Shen Yuyuan didn't say anything, but suddenly said something when Fu Cheng was more coaxing him to sleep.

    "I should have guessed it at the beginning."

    The more Fu Cheng didn't know what to say. Indeed, he should have guessed that something like this would happen at the beginning, and he did not discourage him, and he should not trust Gu's parents.

    "Go to sleep, I'll send you to make up classes tomorrow." Fu Chengyue didn't want Xiao Yuyuan to think so much, and his children now only need to think about the college entrance examination in June.

    "Good night, Mr. Fu.".Shen Yuyuan said goodnight to Fu Cheng and hung up the phone, but he opened his eyes and looked out the window and couldn't sleep.

    Does Gu Jiachen like Yin Yan? Obviously, I really like Yin Yan. Shen Yuyuan doesn't think he knows Yin Yan too much, but Yin Yan definitely likes Gu Jiachen. He treats Gu Jiachen differently and indulges.

    All alphas are like a fire, burning enthusiastically. The alphas of adolescence seem to have wireless energy. If you want to spend all of these energy, you can't wait to sweat hard on the playground.

    But Yin Yan is not. He doesn't. Yin Yan is like a pile of unique cold water with unique firepower. He is calm and self-sufficient, as if everything is in his grasp.

.You said that at this time of puberty, when all alphas are like that, there is only one Yin Yan that exists like a snowflake. Would you really hold back your heart? Do you really dislike Yin Yan?

    Gu Jiachen was the one who couldn't help being tempted. He was among the enthusiastic and fiery alphas. He didn't choose the omega to attract him, and chose Yin Yan, who was different from all alphas.

    Shen Yuyuan felt that it was not wrong for Gu Jiachen to like Yin Yan so much. Would anyone really dislike Yin Yan?

    Shen Yuyuan thought that if there was no Fu Chengyue, if Yin Yan took the initiative to chase him, Shen Yuyuan felt that he would not be able to stand still, who could refuse Yin Yan.

.But the only bad thing is that Gu Jiachen has never managed his family. When he came to provoke Yin Yan, he should think of the consequences. He did not solve the hidden factors. On the contrary, he was overthrown by these factors, which made Yin Yan a burden.

    So this ending was originally destined from the beginning, is there any surprise? Are you disappointed? Shen Yuyuan felt surprised, but disappointed.

    When he first heard Fu Cheng Yue talk about Gu Jiachen's family, Shen Yuyuan had already thought of it. He was not surprised, but was a little disappointed with Gu Jiachen.

    He has lived in the shadow of Gu's family for more than 20 years. He knows the consequences and has not changed. Now he has passed with the shadow.

    Shen Yuyuan sighed, he could think so much anytime. Fortunately, fortunately, the less he and Fu Cheng are like Gu Jiachen and Yin Yan, they should be considered lucky.

.Fu Chengyue's family seems to like him quite a bit. As for his father and little dad, it doesn't matter that he can solve it.

    Shen Yuyuan woke up early, just as Shen Yushu was going to work, and the two collided.

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