Chapter 73

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It was four o'clock in the afternoon after the English test. Someone came and poked Shen Yuyuan secretly and took a careful look at Yin Yan to prevent Yin Yan from hearing it.

    "Shen Yuyuan, do you go to play ball?" The man said in a low voice, and after that, it depends on whether Yin Yan heard it.

    The teacher told Yin Yan to supervise the review in the class and not let them go out to play. The boys were afraid of what would happen if Yin Yan caught them and wouldn't let them play basketball.

    "Aren't you reviewing it?" Shen Yuyuan discovered that he was looking at Yin Yan, and also learned to speak in a low voice.

    "I don’t want to review anymore. I have to review. I’m going to review early. Let’s talk about my late self-study. It’s only four ten ten. I’ll be back after dinner. The old class won’t have time to take care of us. Should we go?"

.The boys in the class had never called Omega to play before, and they were not familiar with Shen Yuyuan, but after the sports meeting, they became familiar with him. In addition, Shen Yuyuan played well and would call him when he played basketball.

    Shen Yuyuan hesitated for a while, wanted to play basketball, and wanted to review. In the end, playing basketball defeated the review and ran away sneakily. Yin Yan could hear them all the time, but never stopped them.

    If you want to fight for a while, Yin Yan is not a prosecutor, and it’s not a mistake to take a break after reviewing.

    Shen Yuyuan followed a few alphas to play basketball on the playground. Now there is no one on the playground. The first and second year of high school have not started, and the students have not come. Instead, all the teachers of the first and second year of high school are called because of the exam.

.Shen Yuyuan can see from the beginning when he can play basketball, it is really an omega that is better than their alpha.

    Now the weather is rejuvenating, and I started to sweat after one round. Shen Yuyuan is okay. Omega's physique has saved a lot of trouble, but the alphas are all taking off their coats.

    As soon as the coat was taken off, the alpha pheromone was blowing out. The basketball court smelled of alpha pheromone. They also smelled each other's alpha. They were still talking about the pheromone smell, saying that fortunately, they were not in the susceptible period. Otherwise, I really want to jump up and hit someone.

.They talked and looked at Shen Yuyuan who was dribbling suddenly, forgetting that there was an omega, and their voices became smaller. They all ignored that Shen Yuyuan was also an omega, he was a puberty omega, their message Vegetarian will affect omega.

    "It's okay, I have a temporary mark, which is immune to your pheromone." Shen Yuyuan pointed to his neck. There is a gland sticker on the gland. Obviously, this temporary mark should be no more than a week before the start of school.

    Shen Yuyuan knows what they are embarrassing about. The second gender does bring a lot of inconvenience, but there is nothing to be embarrassed about. After all, he has alphaT 0.

    "Oh, it seems that the alpha of Xiao Yuyuan is very possessive, but I will make a temporary mark before learning, so I don't want you to be watched by the alpha."

."Tsk tusk, let me see, which alpha is so bold."

    "No wonder, it's not affected by us anymore, thinking that our pheromone is unattractive and unattractive. That's how it is."

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