Chapter 48

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As for how this matter was resolved later, Shen Yuyuan didn't know. The girl didn't leave and didn't apologize in front of the whole school. Shen Yuyuan was curious, so he asked casually.

    "Her parents gave you some pocket money, and they said they would call me in two days." Fu Chengyue didn't want the money at first, thinking about the money sent, don't want it for nothing, and give Xiaoyuyuan as pocket money. Use it and accept it.

    "How much do you want?" Shen Yuyuan always felt that according to Fu Chengyue's personality, the asking price should not be too low.

    The more Fu Cheng said a number, Shen Yuyuan felt that he was really a robbery by bandits.

    "It doesn't matter, it's equivalent to a part of the bride price. When the small taro balls get married in the future, there will be more.".The more Fu Cheng thought about it, it was probably the nature of alpha, and he thought about it a lot. As long as Shen Yuyuan agreed to be with him, Fu Chengyue thought about all the things in the future.

    He has even thought about what to give for the future betrothal gift, so he should think about it early! Otherwise, what should I do if I can't marry Shen Yuyuan? What if the people of the Shen family feel that his gift is not enough?

    Shen Yuyuan never thought that Fu Chengyue thought so much. He was only eighteen years old. Fu Chengyue old man could only wait for a few years. The legal age of marriage for omega is two years.

    On the day of Shen Yuyuan's spring outing, Fu Cheng more stuffed him with a schoolbag and asked him to carry it. He was afraid that Shen Yuyuan was injured and he was hungry. He was worried about everything just like raising a child.

    "That's it, you go back soon.".Standing at the gate of the school, Shen Yuyuan caught the schoolbag that Fu Chengyue handed over, and when he mentioned it, he found that it was really the love that Fu Chengyue had given him. It was full of a big bag, and he was really afraid that he would not be enough.

    "Little ungrateful." The more that Fu Cheng didn't expect to bring the things over, Shen Yuyuan would let him go. It was really ungrateful.

    "Then I will take the car to the amusement park later, how am I to accompany you!" Shen Yuyuan blinked and looked at Fu Chengyue very innocently.

    "Okay, you go first." The more Fu Cheng touched Shen Yuyuan's cheeks, his eyes were full of doting, let him go quickly, and the more Fu Cheng watched Shen Yuyuan's figure disappear before he left.

    Shen Yuyuan ran up to the second floor to look at Fu Chengyue. Standing here, you could still see Fu Chengyue's figure. If you walk past it, you won't be able to see it. What should I do? He misses his boyfriend so much!

.Shen Yuyuan got into the Qiuyou car, and the noise in the car was over. The Sports Committee waved to Shen Yuyuan in the last row.

    "Young Master, hurry up!" The Sports Committee took up the last row and called the few people to come. Yin Yan also passed, fearing that Shen Yuyuan would be squeezed, and also protected Shen Yuyuan for a while.

    "The young master has never been out in the spring, right? How do you feel?" The Sports Committee ate potato chips, and the package of potato chips has not been opened for a long time.

    "Eat mine." Shen Yuyuan took out the things Fu Cheng had prepared for him. At the moment when he took it out, what Shen Yuyuan thought was that Fu Cheng would not be able to prepare something amazing.

.After opening the schoolbag, I was relieved to see that there were some things that can be bought in the supermarket. Fortunately, nothing was amazing. Otherwise, Shen Yuyuan would have to scold Fu Chengyue in his heart.

    "Sui! Young Master, you have enough of these!" The Physical Education Committee was not polite, and started eating as soon as he picked it up. This simply made up for his previous trauma!

    They just take what they take. It doesn't matter anyway, the most important thing is that Shen Yuyuan's things are good one by one, and they are all a little expensive snacks.

    "Remember to lose your pocket after eating!" Shen Yuyuan had a bad impression of the alpha in the school before, and after contacting them for a period of time, he found that it was actually pretty good.

.The boys in the class, as well as Yin Yan, are all people who can play together. Although Yin Yan doesn’t speak much, he can always do his best in all aspects and understand why there were so many things before. Many omega like it.

    It's just that Yin Yan is too delicate. An alpha that grows like this will give his omega a lot of pressure. The omega is not as good as his alpha. What a shame!

    Being with Gu Jiachen, Gu Jiachen's alpha is shameless, Yin Yan is so good-looking, he is so happy, being with Yin Yan, he hates to collapse to heaven.

    "Yin Yan, I'm sleepy." Shen Yuyuan pulled Yin Yan's sleeve. He was very sleepy, but the car was too noisy and he couldn't sleep.

    "Let on me." Yin Yan sat up straight so that Shen Yuyuan could lean against him, and then looked at the noisy people in the car.

."Be quiet, take a good rest, and play with you later." Yin Yan said to calm them all down. Yin Yan looked very difficult to speak, so when he speaks, most people in the class will speak. hear.

    The car became quiet, because I got up too early and I had to go there by the car. I didn't speak, I fell asleep, and some people were snoring.

    "Who the hell is snoring! It's fucking annoying." The Physical Education Committee was going to fall asleep, but was awakened by the snoring. He opened his eyes and looked around, then closed his eyes.

    Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Yin Yan hasn't relaxed like this for a long time. She has been either busy raising the family or studying, worrying about her younger brother. Now when she doesn't do anything, it is really rare.

.Yin Yan suddenly thought of Gu Jiachen. The alpha had been sending him messages since they came together this morning, and he didn't know what he was doing now.

    Although Yin Yan hated Gu Jiachen every day, his heart was indeed opened by Gu Jiachen a little bit. Gu Jiachen was like a sun, brilliant and open, doing a lot of things that Yin Yan didn't dare to do.

    He even said his likes openly, and he made no secret of his likes. The way he expressed his likes was also envious of Yin Yan. Yin Yan felt that if he could do Gu Jiachen's way, it would be great.

    But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it can't be done, because it has already found such a boyfriend, it doesn't matter if it can't be done by itself, and his boyfriend can do it.

.Yin Yan couldn't help but smile, as if the sun had melted the next day after the snow fell. If anyone saw it now, he would be amazed, but he was either sleeping or playing with his mobile phone.

    "Here." Yin Yan looked at the playground, and patted Shen Yuyuan on the shoulder lightly.

    Shen Yuyuan opened his eyes in a daze, and he didn't get over for a long time. Yin Yan was already used to Shen Yuyuan like this. Shen Yuyuan was like this in school before, and he had to be confused for a while when he woke up.

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