Chapter 59

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Shen Yuyuan ate dinner obediently, and then went back to make a video call to Fu Chengyue. He knew that he would definitely not be able to escape the result of being scolded by Fu Cheng.

The more Fu Cheng looked at the wound on Shen Yuyuan's face in the video, his face was cold and he didn't speak anymore. What did he say? Yesterday, the kid who called on the phone was fine. Today, there is a wound on the left and a scar on his face. This makes Fu Cheng The more I can laugh.

"Fu Chengyue, don't be angry, okay." Shen Yuyuan was very afraid that Fu Cheng would be angry with him. It was strange that Shen Yuyuan, who was not afraid of anyone outside, was killed by him in Fu Chengyue's place.

No one in this circle knows Shen Yuyuan's temper, but because of his identity, no one will do anything to him. When he sees him, he still has to call him Young Master Shen.

.But in Fu Chengyue's place, Shen Yuyuan is just a soft peach, a soft peach with no temper. Let Fu Cheng want to do whatever he wants, rua whatever he wants.

The more Fu Cheng didn't know how he met such a well-behaved omega, and how obedient he was, the more Fu Cheng felt that if he was not nice to this kid, he really couldn't justify it.

"Little taro ball, don't look at me, look at me." Fu Cheng couldn't help but lowered his tone. He couldn't be cruel to Shen Yuyuan. Just when Shen Yuyuan was fierce, he already felt that he was very upset.

Shen Yuyuan raised his eyes to look at Fu Chengyue, his eyes were red with grievance, and tears fell directly from his eyes in the blink of an eye, like a small pearl.

."Our little taro balls have been wronged, I am not angry, I am not angry with you, I am angry with others, but I am still angry with you, I am angry because you don't tell me, you hide from me, you put yourself I'm afraid that I'll know it. You don't want me to worry, you don't want me to be distracted. I can understand your intentions, but I don't like it. I even hope you don't be so sensible. I I hope you will rely on me a little and be pampered."

The more Fu Cheng thought, how old Shen Yuyuan is, an eighteen or nine-year-old kid, doesn't need to be so obedient. At this age, he can be naughty and mischievous, without being so obedient.

Shen Yuyuan thought that the more Fu Cheng was angry that he would fight, he was also afraid that Fu Cheng would scold him more, but he never thought that Fu Cheng would be more angry in this respect.

"Sorry, I think you are too busy.".Shen Yuyuan's voice was crying. He really wanted to see Fu Chengyue now. He wanted Fu Cheng to be beside him, so he could hug Fu Chengyue.

"I will never be busy with you, you are more important than anything, nothing is as important as you, so don't think about other things, just think about me." The more Fu Cheng never felt that other things were more important than Shen Yuyuan .

You can start again if you lose anything, can you start again if your little omega is lost?

Fu Cheng gritted his teeth. If Shen Yuyuan was in front of him now, he would definitely hold Shen Yuyuan in his arms, grind his glands, wrap this kid with pheromone, and make him think about it without telling him.

"I'm sorry I was wrong, I was really scared just now." Shen Yuyuan wiped his tears aggrieved, he was really worried just now.

.The more Fu Cheng sighed, he looked at Shen Yuyuan on the phone, waited for him, and went back as soon as he finished everything here.

"Don't be afraid, I've been there all the time, you can believe it, I'll be here when I look back, and go take a nap obediently, I promise, I'll be back as soon as I settle the matter here."

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