Chapter 18

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Let me see if Xiao Taozi is doing well. Shen Yuyuan shook his head. He never knew that the No. 1 lieutenant colonel was himself. He didn’t know how he became a No. 1 lieutenant colonel. He was still stunned when the idiot said that in the morning. .

    "It's because... can you say it?" Nie Shaoyu was afraid to say it by herself, what if she stabbed Shen Yuyuan's bad memory.

    "Yes." Shen Yuyuan nodded, he didn't think there was anything he couldn't say, he just wanted to know what was going on.

    "Because you were not in estrus before, and you were bullied by the alphas in the school. They wanted to force you to mark you. Unexpectedly, you ran away and a big incident happened. You put them in front of so many people They can't stand up because of that. You are a lieutenant colonel by default."

.Nie Shaoyu was there at the time. It happened to be the end of get out of class at that time. Many people watched. Why was she afraid of Shen Yuyuan before? For this reason, Shen Yuyuan was too scary at the time. His eyes were bloodshot and he stared around fiercely. People are probably protecting themselves.

    Shen Yuyuan probably knew it. He didn't think about being a school boss. At that time, it was forced by the situation. Why didn't he want to be friends with people in the school?

    When he was pressed on the ground by the alpha and wanted to force the mark, no one was willing to come forward. Shen Yuyuan couldn't imagine. What if he loses the strength? What if it is another omega? Will they do it too?

    Shen Yuyuan felt a little bad when he thought of this sudden, frowning all the time, looking out the window sideways, and the exquisite facial features that have always been exaggerated seem a bit lonely now.

.He stretched out a hand next to him and put a handful of candy on his desk. Shen Yuyuan looked over and found that it was the same table arranged for him by Lao Zhou before. It was an alpha and the monitor of the class. Shen Yuyuan had never looked at this alpha seriously. Now I look at it and find that it is a cold beauty, with thin lips slightly pursed, extremely beautiful, with a cold face, not smiling or talking, so these two people have been at the same table for almost a month, and they haven't spoken.

    Such a cold person is actually an alpha with some thin muscles on a tall body.

    "Some things have passed, so you don't need to think about it again." Yin Yan would not comfort people and rarely communicate with others. After saying this, she turned her head and continued to work on her homework.

    "Thank you." Shen Yuyuan thanked him, peeling off a candy and putting it in his mouth, with a satisfied smile on his face.

.Yin Yan was relieved after seeing Shen Yuyuan's expression with Yuguang. Although he didn't know what happened, he also felt that such a thing would definitely be uncomfortable for an omega.

    Shen Yuyuan went to dinner alone at noon. He didn't like to eat with others. Nie Shaoyu wanted to go with him several times and was pushed away by Shen Yuyuan.

    Shen Yuyuan had a meal in the second cafeteria and just sat down. Before he had two mouthfuls, someone was sitting next to him, watching him all the time, and Shen Yuyuan raised his head impatiently.

    "Hello, can I have dinner with you?" It was a very cute male omega with a very uncomfortable smile on his face.

    "The position is not mine. You don't need to ask me if you want to sit." Shen Yuyuan hates someone sitting next to him, but this is a cafeteria, and it can't stop others.

."Shen Yuyuan, I know you, can I be friends with you?" Omega spoke immediately before Shen Yuyuan lowered his head to eat.

    When Shen Yuyuan was in front of outsiders, all his young master's bad personality was exposed. He laughed at him and said with disdain: "Why? Who are you? Let others be friends with you if you just say a few words. Are you worthy?"

    Shen Yuyuan felt that it was really bad luck today. It was really bad luck to meet two stupid Bs in succession. Shen Yuyuan didn't want to eat anymore, so he had to leave with the dinner plate.

    "Shen Yuyuan, don't you think you are talking like this too much? I just want to be friends with you." Omega said that he was aggrieved, and the look in Shen Yuyuan's eyes was a bit blame.

    "Don't pretend to me this set, who can you pretend to, it's damn good to pretend, this school is so stupid.".Shen Yuyuan left directly, and blamed the one who met the Fourth Middle School in the morning, and didn't realize that he was also in the First Middle School.

    The omega sitting in the position just now threw away the spoon angrily, not only blaming Shen Yuyuan, but also blaming the friends who encouraged him to come, saying that there are so few omegas in school, and it’s so good to fall in love with an omega. ! Moreover, this omega is still a young master, and even a school bully. As a result, he was directly scorned.

    Shen Yuyuan went out of the cafeteria angrily, still cursing in his mouth. He was a really ruining idiot. When he passed the complex, he was suddenly covered by his mouth and pulled into the back of the complex.

    Subconsciously, Shen Yuyuan swung his elbow back fiercely. Hearing the painful cry behind him, he took his hand and relaxed a bit. As soon as Shen Yuyuan wanted to turn his head and hit a few more times, the people behind him spoke.

."Is Yuan Yuan so cruel?"

    Shen Yuyuan turned his head in disbelief, and saw Fu Chengyue rubbing his stomach with one hand, with a cynical smile on the corners of his mouth. How could this man laugh after being beaten.

    "Why don't you say anything!" Shen Yuyuan tried his best not to show that he was distressed by Fu Chengyue, but the worry in his eyes betrayed Shen Yuyuan, and he was obviously distressed.

    The more Fu Cheng straightened up, rubbed Shen Yuyuan's little head and said, "It's okay, you lie to you, don't worry, Xiao Taozi."

    "You lied to me! What's your name, don't bark." Shen Yuyuan opened Fu Chengyue's hand and stared at Fu Chengyue, thank you for being angry.

    "It's fun, isn't Xiao Taozi what is it?".Fu Cheng pointed out the more intentionally, his finger gently stroked Shen Yuyuan’s glands, clicked on his glands, and rubbed it with his thumb. The movements were ambiguous and lingering. Shen Yuyuan instantly understood that his pheromone taste is peach. Soda.

    "Don't, don't bark, why did you come in!" Shen Yuyuan blushed after being touched, and took two steps back. He didn't realize why he was willing to be touched by Fu Cheng more and more glands. If ordinary people touched him, Shen Yuyuan had to get angry.

    "Come and see Taotao! See how well you are in school." The less Fu Cheng will miss these little details, he just wants Shen Yuyuan to sink in slowly and step by step.

    Shen Yuyuan lifted his small chin, arrogantly, and said nonchalantly: "Who is rare for you to see, I'm having a good life, you can take care of yourself."

.This tsundere's duplicity is so cute that it makes people want to pinch him and touch this beautiful puppet-like omega

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