Chapter 58

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Shen Yushu covered her forehead. Now it is true. She can't care about Shen Yuyuan, she can't bear to care about him, Fu Chengyue is not there, and put such an omega in front of her, how can Shen Yushu know what to do.

    "Come here, I won't scold you." Shen Yushu calmed down and thought about all the things he didn't expect from the panic.

    It is impossible for Shen Yuyuan to beat people for no reason. Shen Yuyuan has a bad temper, but he did not go to the point of beating people. Shen Yushu thinks this way and thinks he can figure it out. There is an alpha lying inside, maybe it is against Shen Yuyuan. Unscrupulous plot.

    "I'm not afraid of you scolding me." Shen Yuyuan pulled the corner of his mouth when he spoke, and his face became cold. He didn't expect that man would be so insidious that he could hit him in this way.

.Shen Yuyuan's face was cold, the peach soda was overturned, and the air was shaken. The suddenly unscrewed peach soda smell made a certain kid very unhappy.

    "You are not afraid, right? I'll call Fu Cheng Yue." Shen Yushu doesn't believe that no one can cure him. This is a broken child. Don't worry about others knowing. I must be worried that Fu Cheng knows more. If Fu Cheng knows this, I must have called to ask about the matter. I have not called yet, so I definitely don’t know.

    "Don't call." Shen Yuyuan immediately ran over to grab the phone. Sure enough, when he mentioned Fu Chengyue, Shen Yuyuan couldn't sit still.

    "Now I know I'm scared, you really are, a good omega made yourself like this, the more Fu Cheng came back to see, the more distressed, and did not tell him, what if he knew what to do."

.Shen Yushu looked at the small wound on Shen Yuyuan's face, and he prayed that it would be well before Fu Chengyue came back.

    "He is very busy now and can't make him worry about it. If he always troubles him, what should I do at work? I am no longer a child. Why do he always worry about me."

    Fu Cheng was very tired over there, and he could be heard tired on the phone. His business was not important. He only hoped that Fu Cheng would be less tired.

    "This is just the end of the new year. Fu Chengyue is not worrying about it, and you are not worrying about it." Shen Yushu sighed and glanced at the operating room. If she knew it, the alpha in it provoked her. Baby, let's talk about it separately.

.Then Alpha's parents came, looking domineering, and Shen Yushu just went to pay the fee, and Shen Yuyuan was caught.

    "An omega, you don't learn well at a young age, and learn how to beat people. If there is something for my son in the second half of his life, I will see how you pay."

    The woman was like a pampered lady, but her words weren't as good as they were on the surface, but she looked like a market shrew.

    "Your good alpha son is messing around with omegas outside. A mother who doesn't know how to restrict himself, is blamed on others." Shen Yuyuan is a person who can't forgive people with his mouth and hands. He just eats soft and doesn't eat. Hard, as long as you speak a little softer, Shen Yuyuan may still be able to speak well, but like this, it is absolutely impossible.

."What's the matter with your omega, what filthy things were said in your mouth at a young age, how the family taught, the tutor is so bad." The woman became anxious and began to blame Shen Yuyuan's tutor.

    "Why, are you dissatisfied with my family's tutor?" Shen Yushu walked over in high heels.

    Shen Yushu was originally an alpha, and her natural genes allowed her to easily grow to more than 180. She stepped on a pair of high heels and stood in front of a woman, just looking down at her.

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