Extra 2

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The weather in September did not cool down, and it felt a little hotter. It has been a long time since the beginning of autumn. Military training in this weather is really terrible.

    The alpha and omega teams are in separate military training. The intensity of the two sides is completely different. The instructor doesn’t know what to do after looking at a group of omega.


    "Then just stand for a while and rest there later." The instructor was with the alpha team before, but was later replaced. He was accustomed to the alpha training. After seeing the white and tender omega, he didn't know what to do. NS.


    The omegas replied, looking at the instructor with blank eyes, and the instructor admitted that he was being despised, and waved to them: "Forget it, go to a cool place to rest."

.There was cheering, but the alpha side was basking in the big sun. Looking over there enviously, they also wanted to rest, and they didn’t rest all morning.


    "What do you think? Others are omegas, are you? A group of alphas can't stand this even a little bit of fatigue?"

    The instructor knew what this group of alphas were thinking as soon as they looked at their expressions. They were spoiled to grow up, and they couldn't bear this bit of suffering, right.

    This is a little tired, is this a little tired? It's been three hours, is this a tired sentence? The alphas feel like they are going to faint, what do they want to be omega.

    What I said before is the beauty of high school. Everyone found that the better ones are still in college. As a member of the omega team, many people noticed Shen Yuyuan.

.Since the day Shen Yuyuan entered the school, many people passed on his photos. That day, Fu Chengyue happened to have something to do and asked his assistant to send Shen Yuyuan to the school.

    So everyone thought Shen Yuyuan was an omega without alpha.

    Shen Yuyuan sat under the shade of the tree, where was the management system? Yin Yan was there. He did not see where Yin Yan was after two days of searching. Shen Yuyuan squatted on the side, sweat dripping from the temples.

    He stretched a hand over and handed Shen Yuyuan a bottle of ice water. Shen Yuyuan looked up and found that it was his college roommate. He took the water and thanked him sweetly.

    "No thanks." The roommate unscrewed the lid and took a bold sip and sat beside Shen Yuyuan, and found someone looking at Shen Yuyuan's gaze.

    "Shen Yuyuan, someone at Alpha is looking at you, do you know?" The roommate helped Shen Yuyuan recognize that person with his sight.

."I don't know." Shen Yuyuan shook his head. The only alphas he knew at this school were Song Muyi and Yin Yan. Song Muyi didn't say to come and see himself, every day he knew that he was in love.

    The roommate found that Shen Yuyuan didn't seem to be interested in alpha, so he moved his eyes away after a glance. Isn't this because he wanted to fall in love when he came to university? Didn't you even look at alpha?

    "Don't you like one? I think there is a handsome guy in the law department." The roommate looked at that guy with stars in his eyes. He didn't see a good alpha in high school. He came to college to fall in love.

    "I have a boyfriend. I'm already engaged." Shen Yuyuan touched his neck and pulled out a silver necklace from his clothes with a ring hanging on it. It was given by Fu Cheng when he and Fu Chengyue were on a graduation trip. Ring.

."Fuck? Are you engaged? Impossible, you, you, you, how old are you, you graduated from high school." The roommate couldn't believe it, is Shen Yuyuan 20 years old? Is this already a marriage engagement?

    "Hmm, both of us have discussed how long to get married. I have something to do with his company since the beginning of school. I will show you the next time." Seeing the surprised expression of his roommate, Shen Yuyuan put the ring back in contentment.

    It's really comfortable to see their expressions, so I like to look at other people's expressions. You know him as an early marriage.

    My roommate has been immersed in the fact that Shen Yuyuan was actually engaged, and then I remembered that Shen Yuyuan said that his boyfriend was in the company, he wouldn't be an old man, his roommate looked at Shen Yuyuan, don’t, such a beautiful omega, don’t be ruined by the old man. Now, that old man will not be forty or fifty years old.

.The roommate has been mentally replenishing, and can't stop even following Shen Yuyuan to the cafeteria for dinner. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that what he thinks may be true. Shen Yuyuan doesn't like this kind of 〇m eg a I pha.

    "Shen Yuyuan..." The roommate just wanted to speak, but saw an alpha coming over here.

    The cold and delicate alpha is different from the surrounding alpha. The alpha of their age is like fire and the alpha is like ice. When they see him, they become quiet.

    "Yin Yan!" As soon as Shen Yuyuan raised his head, he saw Yin Yan sitting next to him with a vegetable, and his eyes brightened after rubbing against him.

    "Well, are you tired?" Yin Yan's skin is very white. She was too tanned in the alpha team for the past two days. Her skin was not black, but her face was red.

."Not tired, we are very relaxed, what's wrong with your face, do you want to see a doctor?" Shen Yuyuan saw the red blood on Yin Yan's face at a glance, and felt whether it was allergic or exposed to the sun for too long.

    "It's okay, it will be fine in two days. Forget it, I want to go out. I am very worried about Gu Jiachen. I asked Fu Cheng to visit him. But he is usually alone at home, so I am a little worried. "

    Yin Yan frowned, her roommates were dumbfounded, it was hard to see that there was an alpha, even frowning was pretty.

    "I'll help you contact Fu Chengyue, he should have a way." Shen Yuyuan took out his mobile phone to send a message to Fu Chengyue.

    In the afternoon, Fu Chengyue took Yin Yan and Shen Yuyuan out. I don’t know what method he used. Fu Chengyue sent Yin Yan back to Jiachen, and then left with Shen Yuyuan. I haven’t seen him for a week. , He wanted to die Shen Yuyuan.

.Some time ago, something happened to the company, but Shen Yuyuan didn't manage it until Shen Yuyuan started school. It was the third day of military training, and Fu Chengyue only saw Shen Yuyuan.

    The more Fu Cheng drove the car to the side, he hugged Shen Yuyuan and acted like a baby, kissed Shen Yuyuan's glands, and squeezed the tips of his ears.

    "Little taro balls, I miss you so much." Fu Chengyue was so coquettish with such an alpha, and Shen Yuyuan couldn't bear it directly, and his heart became more coquettish by Fu Cheng.

    "Why are you acting like a baby? I miss you so much." Shen Yuyuan reacted as soon as he was in contact with Fu Cheng, probably because of too much coughing during the summer vacation.

    Shen Yuyuan's glands were broken too many times by Fu Chengyu, which caused Shen Yuyuan's glands to feel that Fu Chengyue's pheromone was hot, and Shen Yuyuan felt that he was about to melt.

    "Is there anything wrong with acting like a baby with my wife? To be honest, it's wrong.".The more Fu Cheng hugged Shen Yuyuan's waist, his nerves relaxed as he smelled the peach soda on his body

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