Chapter 6 - The Library

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I entered the Transfiguration classroom still fuming at Malfoy. I placed my books and my wand on the table with a loud thud, making the other students turn to me for a moment. I saw Ron and Harry sitting beside each other a few tables back also looking at me. I ignored everyone and sat down, waiting for class to start.

I saw Malfoy sit down on a chair a few meters away, glaring hard at me. I gave him a sneer and turned my attention away just as Professor McGonagall started speaking.

"Welcome to your first Transfiguration class as third years. This year we are going through lectures of Animagi, turning teapots into tortoises, owls to opera glasses, mice to snuffboxes, the Lapifors Spell, Draconifors Spell, Felifors Spell, and the Hardening Charm. I suggest you study ahead and work on your incantations and wand movements harder than you've done in the past years. You will need all the practice you can get." Professor McGonagall started.

Professor McGonagall then turned herself into a tabby cat. Something we've all seen her do a bunch, but it does not cease to amaze us every time.

She quickly turned back and started her lecture. "For today, we will be discussing about Animagi."

With a flick of her wand, the huge blackboard appeared and everyone started scribbling on their parchments to copy notes. By the time the bell had tolled, signaling the end of classes, everyone was exhausted with the information overload.

"For your homework, I would require you to hand two rolls of parchment on Animagi, the process, their benefits and possible abuse of Animagus transformation. Due next week."

It was only my first class but I was already tensing up because of the homework as I quickly went out of the classroom.

"Y/N! Wait up!" I turned my head to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Wait..Hermione? How come I didn't see her in class when I walked in, but she's getting out of the room with Harry and Ron?

"Oh. What's up?" I greeted them like usual, ignoring my thoughts.

"That was quite an entrance." Harry started. "Something bothering you?"

I shrugged. "Just the usual with Malfoy."

"That git. What did he do now?" Ron asked.

"Unfortunately, we have the same class schedule for the whole term. He got annoyed and called me insufferable to have around, so ofcourse I had to retaliate and insult him too." I said.

"Don't bother with him. You know he only does that to get a rise out of you." Hermione looked at me sympathetically and I just nodded, knowing full well that what she was saying was true.

"What's your next class? You can walk with us." Harry offered.

"I've got free period until lunch." I smiled.

"Lucky you." Ron pouted which made me laugh.

"See you all later then." I said, quickening my pace a little.

"By the way, Y/N. Your silver hair really looks beautiful on you!" Harry called out.

"Thanks, Harry!" I grinned at him then walked away.

I decided to go to the Library to get a start on my Transfiguration homework when I bumped into someone on the way. I looked up to see Malfoy sneering down at me.

I groaned as I bended over to pick up my book that had fallen during the collision.

"You should watch where you're going, Silvermade." Malfoy sneered, not showing any signs of helping me.

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