Chapter 53 - Harry's Crush

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There was little to no change with the animosity between Harry and the Hufflepuffs, although I have already seen fewer of them wearing the dratted badge that Draco had created to spite Harry. I figured that maybe it was Cedric who had discouraged them.

It was peaceful for a few days, and even Draco was lying low. It was the talk of the whole school how he was turned into a ferret by Moody. Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Daphne were all beating themselves up over the fact that they were not around to witness it firsthand. They all doubled in laughter when I relayed to them what happened.

Draco was still yet to return to our group, which was quite disappointing. He was still hanging out with Crabbe and Goyle, and I've also seen Astoria Greengrass lingering around him sometimes, which annoyed me to no end.

The Triwizard Tournament preparations were in full swing, and had most of us distracted and excited. Except probably for Snape who had an expression of pure hatred when Harry was called out in the middle of our Potions class because the Champions were needed to take photographs, as well as have their wands undergo assessment by Mr. Ollivander, the Wandmaker.

Just as the whole school was buzzed about the tournament, the rest of the wizarding world was too. It was huge news that, despite not meeting the age requirement and having no idea what caused the Goblet of Fire to spit another name out, Harry Potter was now competing as the Fourth Champion.

It magnified the anticipation, and when the article of the Daily Prophet that was initially expected to be about the Triwizard Tournament was released, it was a bit of a displeasure to find out that it was not about the tournament at all. Instead, Rita Skeeter had turned the article into a highly coloured retelling of Harry's life. The other champions were only briefly mentioned, — one line out of seven pages — but neither Fleur Delacour nor Viktor Krum's name was spelt right. And Cedric was never even named.

There were mentions of Harry having tears in his eyes when asked about his parents, causing Hermione and I to look over at him in concern while reading the article.

"My eyes aren't glistening with the ghost of my past during that interview!" Harry adamantly said.

Aside from all the dramatics in the piece that I couldn't even imagine Harry would ever say, Rita Skeeter decided to plant rumors by dropping my name in the article along with Hermione's.

Harry's popularity, largely due to his famous past, has not failed to reach the attention of some potential love interests.

According to some students, Harry is mostly seen with the company of two women vying for his heart, Hermione Granger and Y/N Silvermade. Hermione is a Muggle-born girl, while Y/N is from the ever elusive pure-blood Silvermade family. Both stunningly pretty, and both with brains to complement their beauty.

It was absolutely ridiculous. My parents even wrote me a letter asking if there was any truth to it. I was as clear as I can be when I wrote to them that Rita Skeeter is nothing but a liar. Thankfully, the topic was never touched up on again.

Harry and Ron were still not on speaking terms and it was becoming annoying, even Hermione had grown furious.

Harry still refused to approach Ron first, and Ron vehemently refused to apologize to Harry — he still thinks Harry really did put his name in the Goblet. But it is obvious that Ron's presence is largely missed, especially his jokes and snide comments that would always make us laugh. And without Ron to actively complain and reject most of Hermione's suggestions on where to hang out, Harry and I often found ourselves in the Library with her; which is exactly were we are right now.

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