Chapter 69 - The Yule Ball II

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"Something wrong, Y/N?" Cedric asked.

My attention was pulled back from Draco's intense gaze, with Cedric looking at me questioningly as I sat down.

"Oh. No." I shook my head and then smiled. "Nothing's wrong."

I took a deep breath and ignored the uneasiness I felt, not that it was hard to do since there was so much going on in the Great Hall.

"Where's the food?" I heard Harry wonder.

There was no food yet on the glittering golden plates on our table, but there were small menus laid on top of them. Realizing how the food appeared, since most parties I've attended with my parents worked this way, I read aloud which one I liked the most on the list of food on the menu.


Immediately, a large serving of steak appeared on my plate, also complemented by mashed potatoes and green salad. Getting the idea, the rest of the table called out their orders too.

I could only wonder how Hermione's reaction to this was, seeing as this new elaborate way of serving food was definitely added work for the house elves in the kitchens. But Hermione was obviously too preoccupied to even think about S.P.E.W as she talked with Krum.

My eyes roamed around our table as everyone settled into conversation. I was quite comfortable having Cedric, Harry and Hermione there, but not the same could be said about Parvati. Harry had been unintentionally ignoring her as he continued to chat with me and Cedric. Roger Davies was just ogling at Fleur Delacour as she talked nonstop about the unremarkable decorations of Hogwarts. I rolled my eyes and tuned her out, and instead focused on Cedric and Harry's discussion, even bringing in Parvati into the conversation as much as I could.

Everyone was busy eating and talking, even at the teachers' table.

I saw Hagrid seated next to Madame Maxime in a very hairy brown suit, while the Beauxbatons Headmistress was dressed in a flowing gown of lavender silk. Hagrid was in deep talk with Madam Maxime, and it was obvious to everyone who saw that he was enamoured with her.

Professor Dumbledore, dressed in a silver dress robe, was laughing at an annoyed looking Igor Karkaroff, who was dressed in an all white formal dress robe. Whatever they were talking about, it seemed it was only Dumbledore who's enjoying the conversation.

Professor McGonagall, who wore an emerald dress robe with snakeskin patterns, was talking to Professor Snape, who was in his usual all black dress robe. They were exchanging annoyed glances at Ludo Bagman who was boisterously talking to everyone at the table. Bagman's dress robe was equally loud as he was dressed in a shockingly bright purple robe designed with large yellow stars.

My eyes wandered further at the end of the table, and was surprised to see an all too familiar red hair.

I quickly turned to Harry and Hermione. "That's Percy!"

The two stared confusedly at Percy Weasley who was seated where Barty Crouch would usually be.

Harry knitted his eyebrows. "What's he doing there?"

"Must be sitting in for Mr. Crouch." Hermione frowned. "You know how he's obsessed with aiding that awful man."

"Why is Mr. Crouch awful?" Cedric asked suddenly.

"Hermione feels strongly about Mr. Crouch's treatment of his former house elf." I explained.

"He's horrible to Winky!" Hermione exclaimed passionately as she stabbed a piece of pork chop from her plate and stuffing it in her mouth angrily.

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