Chapter 27 - Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs

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"Ron! Get away from there!" Harry shouted at Ron who was still sitting on the ground, clutching his rat.

Ron whipped his head up, a horrified expression on his face as he pointed at us.

"Guys, run!"

I turned back to see what Ron was pointing at, when suddenly, a large black dog came into view, snarling at us.

"The grim." Harry whispered.

Just then, the dog leaped over our heads and went straight for Ron.

"Ron!" We all shouted as we tried to get near him.

The dog bit Ron by the ankles and was now dragging him towards a hole under the Whomping Willow.

"Help!" Ron screamed just as he disappeared with the dog, his rat still clutched tightly to his chest.

Harry, Hermione, and I ran up to the tree, only to be hit by one of its many branches square on the stomach. We all landed on the ground with a thud.

Merlin, that hurt.

But the three of us were up scrambling on our feet in no time.

"We've got to call for help!" Hermione exclaimed.

"We don't have time. That dog's big enough to —"

I didn't want to finish my sentence. I didn't even want to consider Ron getting devoured by that dog.

"How are supposed to get Ron then?" Hermione asked.

The three of us looked up at the tree that was swishing its branches, trying to prevent anyone from going near it.

"I've got an idea. But it's not safe." Harry said tensely.

"Let's just do it." I said, my thoughts were filled with saving Ron that I didn't have space to consider anything else.

Harry grabbed my hand while I grabbed Hermione's. We ran towards the Whomping Willow, dodging its thick branches that were threatening to squash us flat.

"Move!" Harry yelled.

A big chunk of gnarled wood fell in between us making me let go of Harry's hand. I scrambled to stand up, still gripping on Hermione as we ran forward.

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked as we saw Harry get tossed in the air by one swinging branch. He fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"Hermione!" I yelled just as another branch swings at her. She had mistakenly grabbed onto the branch, yanking me up with her.

I was like a rag doll getting tossed and swung around as Hermione's grip on my hand tightened. The Whomping Willow swayed violently as its leaves and twigs scratched at our faces and left tears on our clothes.

I looked down, pondering whether Hermione and I should just drop on the grass, when I saw Harry just standing up on the ground.

We were too far up, so it would be too risky for Hermione and I to land without sustaining any serious injuries. Instead, I stared at the hole where Ron and the dog disappeared into, an idea forming in my head.

"Harry!" I screamed.

"Y/N!" He called out as he saw me getting flung around like a banner in the air.

As the branch Hermione was riding on neared Harry, I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, making him dangle along with me.

After a few more swishing about in the air and a few more leaves hitting our faces, I managed to see through the space under the roots of the tree.

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