Chapter 22 - Ravenclaw vs Slytherin

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The whole of Hogwarts was abuzz as the news spread that I had punched Draco Malfoy twice on the nose.

By some miracle, I was neither reprimanded nor called for questioning by any of the Professors. I was prepared to even get a scolding from the Headmaster himself, but as the days passed, I realized that I was somehow off the hook despite resorting to violence to settle things with Draco.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had rushed to find me the moment they found out about what had happened. They were worried about how I felt since Draco is after all, my friend. I told them that I was fine, even though I really wasn't.

Ron was impressed though, and was even asking me to enact the scene at the common room as he insisted that Harry play as Draco. But Harry and Hermione dragged him away as they sensed that I wasn't really in the mood to do that.

Naturally, Draco and I are not talking. Well, he hadn't spoken to me since the rumours with Harry surfaced anyways, so it didn't make much difference from the past week before I hit him.

I had spent most of my time with Pansy and Daphne, with the occasional presence of Theo and Blaise. They understood where I was coming from after hearing the details behind my reasons for punching Draco. Even Daphne had commented that Draco deserved getting hit.

For the classes I didn't share with the four of them, I had stuck close to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and for other classes like Herbology, I mainly stayed beside Neville. I never spared a glance towards Draco despite us finding ourselves in the same space most of the time.

I forced all these that I was dealing with at the back of my head as I woke up that Saturday morning. Hogsmeade visit is yet again cancelled to make way for another Quidditch match.

This time I was playing.

It was Ravenclaw versus Slytherin, and I was feeling sick from nervousness the moment I got up from bed. Even as I put on my Quidditch uniform, the pit in my stomach didn't cease.

I purposely got to the Great Hall ahead of my friends, thinking  that some time alone would let me calm down. I walked to the Slytherin table to find a few students already there, unfortunately Draco was one of them, he was already in his uniform and was munching on what looked like soggy cereals.

I took the seat farthest away from him and started digging in on my breakfast.

After a few minutes, more students trickled in the Great Hall as the excitement filled the air, mainly coming from the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and Neville all came over to wish me luck. They said they'd cheer me on despite the fact that if I did a good job today, Slytherin would win and it would also mean that Slytherin would have a chance at winning the House Cup yet again — which as Gryffindors they would like to put a stop on. After all Slytherin has been the House Cup Champion for six straight years.

I chuckled at them and said my thanks as they all went their way towards the Gryffindor table.

Pansy and Daphne had also arrived, sitting beside me. Theo and Blaise had stopped by for a moment to wish me good luck on the game.

Theo had so nicely said he'd pray for me to not fall off my broom and land on my head. I chuckled at him which seemed to ease my worries a bit. After that, they walked away to join Draco. I can just see the faint image of Daphne's sister, Astoria walking towards their spot too, but I quickly averted my eyes before she neared them.

"You'd be great, Y/N. Don't worry too much." Pansy said to me.

"Thanks, Pans." I mumbled. "But honestly, I feel like I'm going to be sick."

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