Chapter 71 - The Half-Giant Exposé

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"Y/N, you okay?" Cedric asked as the two of us worked silently on my Transfiguration homework in the library.

"Oh. Yeah." I said, shaking off the distracting thoughts out of my head.

What Draco said before I wordlessly left the Slytherin Common Room repeated in my head for the past hour, making me unable to even comprehend one line from my Transfiguration book.

Draco almost sounded as if he was pleading when he told me not to like Cedric, and it bugged me as to why he'd plead. Was it that horrible for me to like a Hufflepuff that the ever proud Draco Malfoy starts pleading me not to? Is that really the length of his hatred for Hufflepuffs?

"Y/N?" Cedric called out again. "Are you really sure you're okay?"

I forced myself to focus again. "Yes, sorry. Just a little distracted."

He sheepishly looked at me. "Is this about last night?"

I've honestly forgotten about that since Draco had consumed my thoughts the moment I left the common room, but at the mention of it, blood immediately rushed to my face.

"You're as red as a tomato." Cedric chuckled.

I looked over at him and frowned. "You're one to talk. You're as red as I am."

He smiled a little. "Because I remembered you saying that our kiss was nice for you too."

I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

When I sat there in embarrassed silence, Cedric cleared his throat and took on a more serious expression.

"Y/N." He started. "You don't have to worry about it. I'm not in any way under the impression that you like me now just because we kissed."

He then continued when I didn't say anything still. "I know you still like Malfoy."

I looked at him a bit defiantly. "I don't like Draco anymore — or at least I'm trying to no longer like him."

Cedric raised one brow at me, unbelieving of what I've said.

"It's true." I insisted. "I'm conditioning myself to no longer like Draco."

"Why is that?" He asked. 

"Draco and I are better off as friends." I said, looking back at my Transfiguration book, and trying to act and sound as nonchalant as possible. "Harbouring this one-sided feelings will just ruin our friendship."

Cedric looked at me questioningly. "You know, there's something I don't understand with you and Malfoy."

"What is it?"

"I don't understand why the two of you don't talk to each other about your feelings." He said.

I slowly lifted my gaze to stare at Cedric, checking to see if he was being serious.

"Why would I talk about my feelings with him?" I exclaimed in a hushed voice. "That's terribly embarrassing!"

"Why would it be embarrassing if the two of you are going to confess to each other?"

"Confess to each other?!" My eyes widened in disbelief. "Surely, you're not also under the impression that Draco likes me too."

"Oh." Cedric started laughing. "I forgot how oblivious you can be about this kind of matter."

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