Chapter 17 - The Shrieking Shack

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The Christmas break had come and gone too fast. And even though I was excited to go back to Hogwarts, I also felt a creeping dread at having to bury myself in schoolwork again.

I walked in the Great Hall for the feast, only to be greeted by Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George. They were all thanking me for the Christmas gifts I sent them.

Ron was very ecstatic about his signed Quaffle. Fred and George had relayed the story of Ron almost fainting on Christmas morning when he unwrapped the present I had for him. Ron, surprisingly, did not protest to the story and was just grinning at me widely.

Fred and George said that they had already used up most of the items in their respective boxes of Zonko's products — figured out now why I had smelled a faint waft of dung at the entrance hall as Filch grumbled on — and they were very grateful for the gift.

Hermione is beyond ecstatic with the luxury quill, ink, and parchment set I got for her, which earned sniggers from the rest, while Harry was very happy for having received the flying model of the Golden Snitch.

I waved them goodbye after I had thanked them for the respective gifts they had sent me as well, and sat with my friends at the Slytherin table.

After a few words from Professor Dumbledore, a great assortment of food appeared on our table and we all began eating.

After the feast had ended, we all returned to our respective houses, finding our second term class schedules on the top of our trunks that was already in our dormitories. Mine was basically the same, except for the addition of Quidditch practices. I had them every single day after dinner.

In the morning of the second term, I found out that every one of my friends' class sheet were practically unchanged as well.

Draco and I still had the same set of classes, but this time there was no argument over it. He had just grumbled a lot about the extensive Quidditch practice schedule, said that it barely gives him time to terrorize first-years. I had just rolled my eyes at him.

Classes went smoothly that first week and the Professors were much more forgiving in assigning homework — save for Professor Snape.

We had moved on to turning teapots into tortoises in Transfiguration, which I did horribly in. My tortoise was spewing steam and it still had a teapot spout. Professor McGonagall sternly advised me to work on my wand movements more.

For Charms, we had done Cheering Charms. Seamus had overdone the spell work and had the whole class erupt into uncontrollable fits of hysterical laughter. Draco and I couldn't complete our sentences without laughing, so our friends were quite amused with us until it wore off.

In Potions class, I was paired up with Hermione for the term, to my great delight. Snape was less inclined to take off points from Hermione since she was paired with me, a student from his own house, and also since I was obviously a very active participant in brewing the potions, unlike Theo during the first term.

For Divination, Professor Trelawney was still on about her doom fated prophecies. We had been staring at crystal globes every meeting and I was already getting fed up with it.

Herbology was quite the delight — I had that class with Neville and he kept on thanking me for the sapling of Mimbulus Mimbletonia I got him for Christmas. Neville's gift of Herbology book had also tremendously helped me with some of the plants we have handled during class.

I had half a mind for the whole week to drop my Arithmancy and Ancient Runes classes, they were getting increasingly difficult every lecture, but Hermione had been a great help during our Wednesday session at the Library, so I put off dropping those classes for now.

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