Chapter 104 - A Bout of Insanity

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The morning of Saturday, my mood was still as awful as yesterday as I watched Crabbe and Goyle causing a ruckus at the Slytherin table during breakfast at the Great Hall. They've been in such a celebratory mood since getting into the Slytherin Quidditch team, and even though there was nothing I could do about them getting into the team, no one could stop me from feeling immensely irritated about it.

Draco had tried to placate my annoyance by saying that at least one of them wouldn't have to play unless Warrington's unavailable, but just the thought of  having either Crabbe or Goyle on the field sending Bludgers at opposing players with the intention of putting them on a stretcher straight to the Hospital Wing made my blood boil.

"Y/N, any more glaring and you'd be sending daggers straight to those two's heads." Daphne chuckled as she took a bite of her toast.

"Yeah, there's nothing you could do about it anyways." Blaise added. "Just let it go."

"That's why I'm glaring at them." I scowled. "Because this is the only thing I could do."

"I guess Higgs isn't as good a captain as you'd hope." Pansy said.

"He sucks in choosing players." I spat. "I can only hope that he's good at actually managing the team and thinking of strategies that would help us win games. Though I highly doubt that he can train Crabbe, Goyle, and Urquhart to not play dirty."

"Don't keep your hopes up, especially for Urquhart." Theo said as he shook his head in displeasure. "He's a nasty bloke."

"I could tell." I said as I channeled all my frustration on slicing my waffle.

Draco stifled a laugh. "Let's not talk about Quidditch anymore, unless you guys want to see Y/N murder her food any further."

After our plates had been cleared, Theo had begged Draco and Blaise to help him with some of his leftover homework for Herbology and Transfiguration back at the Slytherin Common Room. Daphne decided to join them, while Pansy went on to stroll the grounds with Dean. I initially agreed to go back to the common room with the rest, but after seeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the Gryffindor table, I decided to excuse myself.

"I'll stay back and hang out with the Gryffindors for now." I said.

Draco immediately scowled at me. "Why?"

"I just remembered that Ron tried out yesterday for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I want to know how it went."

Draco immediately guffawed. "That Weasel? Playing Quidditch? What position did he try out for?"

"Stop laughing." I frowned at him. "You never know, Ron could've made it as Keeper."

"He tried out for Keeper then?" He let out another snigger. "Well, now I'm really confident to say that we will definitely win against them."

"You don't know that." I said. "Ron might really be good."

"I doubt that." Draco said, still chuckling. "Anyway, do tell me if he did make it. Though if Johnson had any brains, she probably didn't draft Weasel-bee into their team."

I rolled my eyes at Draco and sauntered off to the Gryffindor table. I was about to greet the three when I neared, but stopped when I realized that Ron and Hermione were having another row.

"You're tricking them!" Ron said heatedly.

"I am not!" Hermione answered back with as much hostility.

"What's going on?" I asked as I sat beside Harry. "Who's Hermione tricking?"

"Oh, hey Y/N." Harry said, obviously drained at hearing Ron and Hermione argue.

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