Chapter 54 - The Hint

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"Are you sure you'll meet Hagrid?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

It was already past curfew, and I had sneakily met up with Hermione and Harry at the Entrance Hall. We were talking about what Hagrid had told him earlier in the afternoon. Harry was unsure when we left the spot by Hagrid's hut, and said that he'll think about it and that we should convene after he's made a decision.

Harry nodded to Hermione's question.

"But won't it make you late for your meeting with Sirius?" I asked.

"It'll definitely cut close, but I just have a feeling I should go. Hagrid's never asked me to meet him that late." Harry said. 

"Alright then." Hermione said. "Y/N, we'll keep you posted about it."

I groaned just before I separated from the two of them by the landing of the Grand Staircase. "It's times like these I wish I'm a Gryffindor."

Harry and Hermione laughed and waved goodbye as I did the same.

I felt a bit lonely as I walked the dungeons alone.

Usually, Draco accompanies me in my late night outings, waiting by a corner, refusing to go near anyone that's from Gryffindor. Even though he grumbles about it the entire time, I missed spending time with him, but having not talked to Draco for weeks, I was left on my own.

I arrived at the Slytherin Common Room, and was unexpectedly met by Draco on the couch with Crabbe, Goyle, and Daphne's sister, Astoria Greengrass.

The four of them looked at me when I walked in, but immediately turned their gazes away. Draco was back to staring at the fireplace while Astoria talked beside him. Crabbe and Goyle were merely sitting there.

"Hey, Y/N. Did you just come from spending time with your boyfriend?" I heard Astoria say as I walked past them.

I noticed that Astoria was sitting close to Draco on the couch, their knees touching. I stared and raised my brow at Astoria, but did not say anything.

Astoria mistook this as an invitation to continue as she smiled slyly. "Oh you know, Harry Potter. It's all over the Daily Prophet."

I looked straight at her. "Don't talk to me, Astoria. We're not acquainted enough for you to initiate a conversation."

I was already feeling irritated at seeing the two of them, hearing Astoria's teasing just puts me on edge even more.

"Oh. Well, sorry for being curious. I just wanted to know how it's going." Astoria seemed unfazed as she continued to smirk. "Having to fight over Potter with a mud-blood like Granger is low."

Anger rushed up to my head but I clenched my fists to suppress it. Draco was now staring at me, as though waiting on my next move. He seemed like he was ready to jump off the couch anytime — probably to protect Astoria from me since I do have a tendency to throw a punch when provoked.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "Surely it's not as low as you've been."

Astoria furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been all over Draco for more than a year, and he's still not giving you the time of day."

"He's already rid of us, and I'm sure Crabbe and Goyle are not entertaining conversationalists. So the fact that he's still ignoring you despite it all, and you're still wagging your tail at him..." I trailed then plastered a condescending smirk. "I'm positive there's nothing lower than that."

My eyes flickered to Draco for a second and saw his shoulders shaking as he tried to suppress a laugh. I almost let a laugh escape my lips as well, but was stopped by Astoria.

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