Chapter 76 - The Second Task

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Draco's POV

Theo's horrible shrieking of excitement woke me up from my sleep, causing me to be understandably grouchy.

"Fuck sake's, Theo." I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.

"Wake up already." He grinned. "We're instructed to head down to the Black Lake before nine-thirty."

I looked at the clock hanging on our wall and saw that it was already nine o'clock. I was usually up earlier than this on a normal Tuesday, but today was the Triwizard Tournament's Second Task so classes were cancelled for the whole day.

I grumpily got out of bed and forced myself to shower and get dressed. When I got out of the bathroom, Blaise and Theo were already all set.

"I'm still so sleepy." I complained.

"I'm guessing Y/N kept you up late last night?" Blaise chuckled.

"Oh she did." I scowled. "But for a reason entirely different from what you're thinking. I waited for her until two in the morning at the common room, but she didn't come."

"What's she doing out after curfew so much nowadays?" Theo asked.

"Been helping Potter like usual." I grumbled as the three of us walked down the stairs. "She said she'd come back before curfew again, but she didn't. I honestly have a lot of choice words to say to her when she comes down from her room."

The three of us waited for a few more minutes for the girls to come down from their dormitory, and when they did, I was quite shocked to not see Y/N with Daphne and Pansy.

I furrowed my eyebrows at them. "Where's Y/N?

"You don't know either?" Daphne asked worriedly. "We thought she was with you, Draco."

"She wasn't." I said. "I waited for her until the wee hours of the morning, but she never came in."

"Her bed's still made, so it meant she didn't sleep there." Pansy said, looking just as anxious.

"Maybe she spent the whole night helping Potter?" Theo said.

"Yeah." Blaise said. "She's probably already on her way with Weasley and Granger to the Black Lake, don't worry."

I nodded mindlessly at them, thinking that it might be the case. It's not unlike Y/N after all.

The four of us made our way to the edge of the Black Lake and saw that there were boats ferrying the students to three huge metal structures in the middle of the vast lake. Each with five floors that overlook the waters below. It was a bit chilly still, and I instinctively wrapped myself with my jacket, also thinking that Y/N must probably be freezing right now since she was still wearing her uniform when I saw her last. She hated the cold.

"Oh look!" Theo pointed. "There's Potter!"

My eyes landed on Potter who was talking with Longbottom, looking tensed and restless. I felt extremely annoyed that Y/N was probably out here with no sleep because she's been preoccupied with helping Potter with the task.

I made my way towards him furiously.

"Oy Potter!" I yelled. "Do you really lack that much of a brain to figure out what to do in this task that you had to make Y/N stay up all night helping you?!"

He somehow seemed stunned. "What do you mean all night? Y/N left the Library with Ron and Hermione at eight o'clock."

"Don't lie." I spat. "I waited for her at our common room, she never came in. So where is she?"

Potter knitted his eyebrows together. "I haven't seen her since Moody took her with Ron and Hermione to meet up with McGonagall and Snape."

I stared at him, utterly confused. "What do you mean?"

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