Chapter 74 - The Friendly Support

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Despite what I've said about not caring what Rita Skeeter would write about me, I've been finding myself unconsciously checking the Daily Prophet every morning, scouring for any malicious articles that might mention my name or Hermione's, but it's been a week and there was still none of it. Her silence wasn't reassuring at all though, instead it somehow bothered me. A woman like Rita Skeeter would never let what I did to her slide.

The only burdensome thing that had happened was that I've received a letter from my Mother. It was a reply to a letter I sent informing her that I was now in a relationship with Draco.

My dearest Y/N,

It seemed like yesterday, when in reality its been a few years ago, when you told me that you would rather eat your own arm than even be a least bit friendly to Draco. Now, here we are...the two of you in a relationship. In all honesty, when you told me that you've been getting quite close with the Diggory boy, even going to the Yule Ball with him, it really did squash any hopes that I had for you and Draco. But I'm glad that you've come to your senses. Deeply glad. You have no idea how much I've rejoiced when Narcissa told me that Draco informed her that you are now a couple. I am only saddened that it took you longer to inform me about it. I would've expected you to write the moment it happened, but let us no longer dwell on that. If you're wondering about your Father's reaction, he simply stared at me and then proceeded to lock himself in his study. No need to worry though, my dear, I'm sure he's just reminiscing your childhood days in that study of his, when you were still not interested in boys and only saw him as the best man in your life. Anyhow, we are delighted all together. I am sure your father is too, despite it all. Best believe that Narcissa and I are already planning for a wedding once you and Draco are finished with your studies.

In other news, I do hope you send my regards to Hagrid. I have read what Rita Skeeter had written about him, and despite all that, tell him that I remember him fondly. And that I am gladly assured to put my daughter in his care.

Your Father and I miss you dearly, and I hope that you miss us too. In your spare time, when you're not busy dating, I hope you think of us as well. We love you, darling.

- Mum

I was glad that my mother felt that way about Hagrid, but reading the rest of that letter did give me a headache, to be honest.

This was another reason why I hesitated to tell my Mother, because I was sure she would tease me endlessly. That bit about planning a wedding was also an exhibit that my Mother and I did not share the same humour when it came to jokes — or so I hope she's joking, because I'm quite afraid that she isn't. And about Dad, I did feel sad that he had no response to it, but I guess it's really just what Mum said, and I didn't have to worry.

Aside from that, the week has been like usual as I spent my time going to classes and spending time with my friends and Draco. I've also been joining Harry, Ron, and Hermione in seeking out Hagrid every night after dinner time. We haven't succeeded yet, and Hagrid was still nowhere to be seen. His gamekeeper duties were left abandoned and Professor Grubby-Plank still continued to be our Care of Magical Creatures Professor.

All these undertaking I've done has led me to be behind all my school work, and that is why, I am now presently slumped over heaps of books at the Library, contemplating why I didn't drop Ancient Runes and Arithmancy when I had the chance. This is definitely what I got for being stubborn and hard-headed, thinking that if I dropped these two courses, my future career choices would be dramatically lessened. Forget about my future career, I don't even know if I'd pass this year.

I've been sighing heavily for about thirty minutes as I leafed through my Ancient Runes book, thinking that it's unfair that my friends are mucking around while I'm stuck studying, when a tap on my shoulder disrupted my thoughts.

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