Chapter 35 - The Unexpected Arrival

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We went out of the room to see that Bill, Charlie, and Percy have arrived, along with two men I haven't seen before.

Percy was fussing over an elderly man in a suit. He had greying hair and a narrow moustache across his upper lip. The other one who was engaged in a conversation with Fred and George, was wearing a bright yellow and black robes. He had short blond hair and a rosy complexion. He looked a bit like an overgrown school boy.

"This is Ludo Bagman." Mr. Weasley said, gesturing to the man talking to Fred and George.

"And this here, is Barty Crouch." Pointing to the man who was wearing a suit.

Ginny, Hermione, and I introduced ourselves as we took a seat and grabbed servings of eggs and sausages.

Ludo Bagman was boisterously laughing as he conversed with the twins.

"Fred and George here bet on Ireland winning, but Krum catching the Golden Snitch." He chuckled. "Thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, and three Knuts! Along with a fake wand! Any more takers?"

Ludo Bagman was waving a wand that had now turned into a rubber chicken, obviously amused by it.

When no one else answered about making bets, Ludo Bagman took out a piece of parchment and jotted their names. "Tell you what, I'll add five Galleons for the funny wand."

Fred and George high-fived in excitement then continued to eat.

I noticed Barty Crouch looking at me curiously, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. He looked like he wanted to ask me something but Percy had interrupted him before he could even speak.

"Would you like a cup of tea, Mr. Crouch?"

Barty Crouch seemed a little startled. "Ah yes. Thank you, Weatherby."

I held in a laugh just as I saw Fred and George starting to choke on their eggs and sausages because of what they heard. Percy went red and busied himself with making the tea.

"You seem a bit out of it, Barty." Mr. Weasley said just as he gave the rest of us a side glance.

Barty Crouch sighed just as Percy gave him the cup of tea. "Setting Portkeys all over five continents is no easy feat."

"You'll be glad when this is over then." Mr. Weasley chuckled.

"Glad?! This is the best fun I've had in years. And I can't even wait until the next event! Plenty left to organize!" Ludo Bagman interjected.

Barty Crouch sneered at the rowdy man beside him. "Ludo, we agreed not to make an announcement until all —"

"They've all signed and agreed!" Ludo Bagman said enthusiastically. "These kids will know soon enough. It's happening at Hogwarts after all!"

Barty Crouch seemed like his patience had run out. He stood up, dragging Ludo Bagman to stand along with him.

"Ludo, we still need to meet with the Bulgarians."

Barty Crouch then turned to Percy, putting his teacup on the latter's hands. "Thank you, Weatherby."

"See you all at the Top Box! I'll be commentating!" Ludo Bagman exclaimed.

With a last wave from Ludo Bagman and a curt nod from Barty Crouch, they both Disapparated out of the tent.

"What's going to happen at Hogwarts, Dad?" Fred asked quickly as he scooted beside Mr. Weasley.

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