Chapter 106 - The High Inquisitor

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On Monday morning, the contents of Percy's letter finally became clear when Hermione rushed to the Slytherin table and waved a copy of the Daily Prophet to my face. She was followed behind by Harry and Ron who also had an alarmed look on their faces.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Draco scowled. "What are these pesky Gryffindors doing here?"

Hermione only ignored him and proceeded to tug at my arm. "Y/N! Look at this!"

She pushed aside my plate and flattened the newspaper on the table. The rest of my friends, even a very reluctant and annoyed looking Draco, also leaned in to look at what was so urgent that made Hermione bravely walk to the Slytherin table.

On the very front of the newspaper was a large photograph of our toad-looking Professor, Dolores Umbridge, smiling widely from beneath the headline.


"What in Merlin's name is a high inquisitor?" I asked loudly. No one answered me as everyone had the same questioning look on their face.

Hermione proceeded to read out the article. "In a surprise move last night, the Ministry of Magic passed a new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Minister has been growing uneasy about the going-ons at Hogwarts for sometime, said Junior Assistant to the Minister, Percy Weasley —"

"So that's what that git meant!" Ron exclaimed.

"Isn't he your brother?" Daphne asked.

Ron had on a sour look on his face. "Yeah, but a git is a git."

Hermione ignored Ron as she continued reading. "As recently as August 30th, Educational Decree Twenty-two was passed to ensure that in the event that the current Headmaster is unable to provide a candidate for a teaching post, the Ministry would select an appropriate person. Dolores Umbridge came to be appointed that way as a teaching staff at Hogwarts and she has been an immediate success —"

"She's been a WHAT?!" Harry said loudly.

"Success my foot!" Pansy exclaimed angrily.

"Hush! Let Granger finish." Blaise said as he beckoned Hermione to continue.

" — she had completely revolutionized the teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts and provided the Ministry with feedback about whats really happening at Hogwarts — "

"Revolutionized?!" I exclaimed. "If being bored way out of my head more than I am at History of Magic is called revolutionizing then yes, she did."

"There's more." Hermione said grimly. "Educational Decree Twenty-two also creates the position of High Inquisitor for the Ministry to get a grip on the falling standards at Hogwarts. The inquisitor will have the authority to inspect fellow Professors and make sure that they are coming up to scratch. The Ministry's new moves have received enthusiastic support from parents of students at Hogwarts."

"Whose parents supported this?!" Theo wondered out loud. I also had the same question in my head.

"I feel much at ease now that I know Dumbledore is being subjected to fair and objective evaluation. Many of us with our children's best interests at heart have been concerned about some of Dumbledore's eccentric decisions in the last few years and will be glad to know that the Ministry is keeping an eye on the situation, said Mr. Lucius Malfoy from his Wiltshire Manor last night. "

All eyes turned to Draco who seemed quite uncomfortable at the mention of his father's name.

"Do you know about any of this, mate?" Blaise asked. Draco only shook his head but did not say anything more.

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