Chapter 92 - Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

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I gave the paper back to Mr. Weasley and he immediately set it on fire with his wand. As the message curled into flames, I looked around at the lines of townhouses again. We were standing outside number eleven, but right next to it was house number thirteen.

"Where's —"

"Think about what you just memorized." Lupin said quietly.

I repeated in my head the address that I had just read. Suddenly, a battered door emerged out of nowhere between the number eleven and thirteen houses, followed by dirty walls and grimy windows. It was as if an extra house had appeared, pushing the sides of other houses out of its way. I stared at it for a few more seconds with my mouth hung wide open.

"Come on." Mr. Weasley said as he gently led me up the steps. I stared at the door of the newly materialized house, it was black and looked quite scratched. A twisted silver serpent served as its door knocker.

Lupin pulled out his wand and tapped the door once. I heard loud metallic clicks, and a clatter of what sounded like a chain. Finally, the door opened.

I stepped inside and saw the others filing in behind me. I looked around the house and saw that it looked quite neglected. The wallpaper was peeling, and the carpet that lined the long, gloomy hallway looked like it hadn't been cleaned in ages. There were cobwebs on the chandelier overheard, and many age-blackened portraits hung crooked on the walls. I also noticed that many of the decor were shaped like serpents.

"Y/N!" Mrs. Weasley beamed in a low voice as she emerged from a door at the far end of the hall. "It's lovely to see you!"

Mr. Weasley greeted his wife with a kiss on the cheek, and disappeared along with Lupin and the rest to the room Mrs. Weasley came from.

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley." I said as she pulled me down into a bone crushing hug. She then held me at an arm's length and looked at me up and down.

"You've grown a lot over the summer, didn't you?" She smiled. "Your hair's longer too, and you look even more beautiful, dear."

My cheeks turned a bit red at the compliment. "Thanks, Mrs. Weasley."

"You must be starving, but don't worry, dinner will be served soon. We just have to finish talking" Mrs. Weasley said.

"Are Harry, Ron, and Hermione here?" I asked as I looked around.

Mrs. Weasley pressed her lips together. "The rest are here, except for Harry."

"Why —"

"Don't worry, he'll soon be here."

I looked above Mrs. Weasley's head and saw that Sirius Black now stood at the door she previously emerged from.

"Sirius!" I grinned.

"I'm glad you're well, Y/N." Sirius said.

He looked better than I saw him last. I guess if he's been eating Mrs. Weasley's cooking for as long as they've been here, then he's bound to look healthier.

"You should head upstairs." Mrs. Weasley quickly said before Sirius could say anything else. "I'm sure everyone would be glad to see you."

Mrs. Weasley helped me with Snowflake's cage, while I carried my Firebolt and trunk. She led me up the stairs and had pressed a finger to her lips when we passed by a pair of long, moth-eaten curtains, signalling me to keep quiet. We then passed by an umbrella stand that looked as if it was made from a severed troll's leg, and then we climbed higher up the dark staircase, and passed a row of shrunken heads mounted on plaques on the wall. I had made the mistake of squinting my eyes and looking closer, as I quickly realized that they were heads that belonged to house-elves. I bit my tongue as horror rose to my chest. This house seemed like it was inhabited by the darkest of wizards as I see more of it.

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