Chapter 38 - Harry's Scar

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We were woken up after just a few hours of sleep. Mr. Weasley packed the tent hurriedly with magic, and then we all trudged towards the spot where we landed via Portkey yesterday. There were a lot of wizards and witches there, all clamouring to leave the place just as we were.

Mr. Weasley talked to Basil, who was in charge of the Portkeys, and we were quickly pulled to the front of the long queue. We took an old rubber tire Portkey back to Stoatshead Hill just as light peeked into the horizon, and trekked back to the Burrow in complete silence.

We were all tired and hungry, and with the events of last night still fresh on our minds, no one really wanted to engage in needless chatter, but neither did we want to talk about what happened, we've done loads of that last night already.

Just as the Burrow came into view, we heard a loud cry echo through the field.

"Thank goodness! Thank goodness!" Mrs. Weasley had tears in her eyes as she came running towards us, a crumpled copy of the Daily Prophet in her hands.

"I've been so worried! So so worried, Arthur!" She said as she hugged her husband and cried.

The Daily Prophet fell out of her hands, and we all looked down to see that right at the front was a moving photo of the Dark Mark that appeared on the sky last night.

"You're alright. Thank goodness, you're all alive and alright." Mrs. Weasley said, still in tears.

She suddenly reached forward to Fred and George and pulled them into a fierce hug, causing the twins to bang their heads together.

"Ouch! Mum! You're strangling us." Fred said as he winced.

"Yeah, Mum. We just got back alive, and now you're killing us." George said, as he struggled under Mrs. Weasleys' embrace.

"I shouted at you before you left!" Mrs. Weasley sobbed uncontrollably. "It's all I was thinking about! What if you were harmed, and the last thing I said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.Ls!"

"Come on, Molly. We're all perfectly fine." Mr. Weasley soothed her.

"Let's get inside, the children are tired." He said, whirling Mrs. Weasley around towards the Burrow. "Bill, pick up that newspaper. I want to read what is says."

We were all crammed into the tiny kitchen of the Burrow as Hermione handed Mrs. Weasley a cup of tea to calm her down, Mr. Weasley had insisted on pouring a shot of Firewhisky in it just to help speed up in calming her nerves.

Mr. Weasley then got the newspaper from Bill and started reading the article on the front, while the rest of us scarfed down breakfast.

"Ministry blunders...Culprits not apprehended...Dark Wizards running unchecked...National disgrace..." Mr. Weasley sighed as he skimmed through the article.

"Who wrote this? Ah...Rita Skeeter. Of course." Mr. Weasley placed the newspaper on the table as he shook his head in displeasure.

"That woman's got it in for the Ministry!" Percy said furiously. "Just last week she was saying we're wasting our time doing reports on cauldron thickness when we should be out hunting vampires! As if it wasn't specifically stated in paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard, Part-Humans —"

"Perce, do us all a favor and shut up." Charlie said with a roll of his eyes as he yawned.

Mr. Weasley sighed. "Molly, I'm going to head into the office today. This happening will need some smoothing over."

"I'll come with you, Dad." Percy said. "Mr. Crouch will need all hands on deck."

Mrs. Weasley stood up from her seat, looking very upset. "But this hasn't got anything to do with your office, Arthur!"

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