Chapter 113 - The Thestrals

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Draco was in a much better mood when I visited him at the Hospital Wing the next day. He was grinning from ear to ear when I came to bring his breakfast and was telling Blaise and Theo all the details of how he managed to grab the Golden Snitch before Harry did.

"Potter's slower than a slug during the game." Draco sniggered. "The Snitch was right in front of him and yet he missed getting a hold of it. So I snatched it away from him and won the game for Slytherin."

"You finally beat Potter." Blaise said.

Theo let out a small chuckle. "Well, Potter did beat him back. In a literal sense."

Draco's eyebrows then furrowed. "Fuck off, Theo."

"Oh hey, Y/N's here!" Blaise quickly said when they saw me approaching, diverting Draco's attention and annoyance away from Theo.

"What a dutiful girlfriend." Theo teased. "Bringing your bed-ridden boyfriend breakfast."

I sighed as I placed the plate of food on Draco's bedside table. "Honestly, you're perfectly capable of walking to the Great Hall and have your meal there."

"I'm injured, babe." Draco pouted.

I rolled my eyes. "When are you going to be discharged?"

"Madam Pomfrey said I could leave anytime. But I'm thinking of staying until tomorrow morning." Draco said as he smiled at me. "I could get used to have you bringing me my meals."

I only sighed and did not say anything else.

"Seeing as you now have Y/N here, we'll be taking our leave." Theo said.

Blaise and Theo waved at us goodbye and left the Hospital Wing.

I pulled a chair and sat next to Draco's bed.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm alright." He said as he grabbed a piece of bacon to chew on. "Especially now that I heard from Theo and Blaise that Potter, along with the twin Weasels, are banned from playing Quidditch for life."

Draco was grinning from ear to ear, looking very satisfied.

"You're that happy that Harry, Fred, and George won't be able to play?" I said incredulously.

"Of course, I'm happy!" He smirked.

I shook my head at him as I continued to watch him eat. I was at loss for words at what to say. I still wasn't fine with how Draco had insulted the Weasleys during the game, but I also did not want to start another row with him.

"So, what are you doing on this fine Saturday?" Draco asked. "Going to head to Hogsmeade and stock on your chocolates at Honeyduke's?"

"No." I said. "I'm just going to do homework. I've got a few left to finish, especially for Charms and Transfiguration."

"Sounds boring."

"You're not exempt from homework either, just because you're here at the Hospital Wing. Have you done yours?" I asked.

He nodded as he ate the last bits of his breakfast. "Yeah, I did everything the night before the game. I couldn't sleep and had to keep myself busy."

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Probably some pre-game jitters." He shrugged as he placed the plate on the bedside table.

"You never get nervous before a game." I said, eyeing him suspiciously.

Draco merely shrugged. He seemed a bit evasive and quite reluctant to speak more. I decided not to pry him on it as I knew that I would not be getting answers from Draco especially when he isn't willing to provide them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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