Chapter 91 - The Summer Before Year 5

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Acting as if everything was normal this summer was truly one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, so far.

On the day I returned from Hogwarts, my father had talked to me in his study. He had asked if I wanted to tell my mother what really happened, but I adamantly refused. I knew that my mother would go berserk if she found out the truth. My father agreed with my decision though, and thought it was also for the best that Mum would be kept in the dark for now. He also strongly advised that I stayed at home for the summer. He said I was much safer inside the premises of our home. Also, at the apparent advise of Professor Dumbledore, I was to keep contact with Harry at a minimum, and that if I ever do write to him, I'd have to make sure not to include anything that seemed important, in case that the letters I sent would be intercepted.

"You must act as you've had before all these happened, dear." My father said firmly. "For your safety, and your mother's."

I nodded tensely at him and excused myself after that.

Since then, I have forced myself to act as if I had never been taken into that graveyard, as if I've never discovered the secret of my family, and my blood's abilities, and as if I've never seen Voldemort rise again.

The only thing I could not stomach doing that used to be normal to me every time I come home for the summer, was join my parents whenever they attended parties held by their friends. I knew that Warren Avery and Walden Macnair would definitely be at every gathering, and I simply refused to pretend I did not know that they were Death Eaters, and that they watched me and Harry be tortured with the Cruciatus Curse, and had laughed while we twisted in excruciating pain.

Also, I was afraid to come face to face with Lucius Malfoy. It still bothered me that Harry insisted that Mr. Malfoy was a Death Eater. I had tried to regain any recollection of hearing his voice at the graveyard, but I came up with not even a faint memory. I do, however, still feel uneasy about it.

And that uneasiness had reflected on my letters to Draco.

Draco and I initially wrote letters to each other every day. The things we talked about were quite dull; he'd ask what I've been up to at home, and I'd answer, then, I'd ask him what he was doing, and then he'd tell me on the next letter he sends. He never touched upon the subject of what happened last school year, and neither did I. Soon, the letters had become shorter each time, and what used to be a daily exchange of letters had now diminished into a once a week thing. 

As for the rest of my friends, I've tried to keep up a front when responding to their letters and I would usually try to sound ecstatic, but that had soon become tiresome. Now, I'd only reply to Daphne, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo with short and direct answers to their letters.

With Ron and Hermione, I supposed they were warned not to share any information through owl post either, as their letters had been cryptic and very short.

As for Harry, his letters to me had been consistent since the start of the summer holidays. They were always lengthy, and he'd always ask if I knew anything that was happening in regards to the steps Dumbledore has taken to move against Voldemort, and if the Ministry has done anything to heed Dumbledore's advice, or if Fudge was still a fool. Most of my answers had been 'I'm not really sure what's going on.' because it was true. I was just as uninformed as Harry.

My mother had long ceased her subscription of the Daily Prophet and any other publication Rita Skeeter has ever written for, ever since Rita Skeeter wrote those nasty articles about me. And my father had refused to inform me of anything at all. He said that whatever was going on, he was sure that everyone I worry for is safe for now.

"For now?" I repeated. "That's not very assuring."

My father sighed. "Y/N, just trust that the adults are doing their best in protecting everyone involved."

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