Chapter 7 - Potions

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Blaise and Theo were sniggering when Malfoy and I sat on the Slytherin table for lunch, while Pansy and Daphne just had an amused smile on their faces

"I see you two made up." Daphne said as I sat next to her.

"You guys weren't even fighting when you walked in together." Pansy chimed in.

"Well, Malfoy helped me with my Transfiguration homework at the Library. I thought it would be fitting to forgive him for this morning." I said.

"How'd you two managed to stay in the Library without getting kicked out for causing a ruckus." Blaise asked.

"Silvermade did make a noise much to Madam Pince's annoyance, but the rest of the time I had with her was quite pleasant." Malfoy said, eyeing me.

"Y/N and pleasant in one sentence coming from you? Blimey, Draco is the world ending today?" Theo pretended to look shocked as we all laughed at what he said.

"Shove off, Theo." Malfoy said, pushing Theo's shoulder a little before continuing to eat.

"We all got Potions next, right?" Blaise asked after a while.

We all nodded.

It was just one of the few classes that we all had together, which was a relief to me. Being stuck in the dungeon's Potions classroom with Snape for two hours was torture I would not survive without my friends.

Right after lunch, we left the Great Hall to proceed towards Potions. I bumped into Harry and Ron on the way and engaged in small talk. Draco, as usual had nothing nice to say to them so they quickly went ahead of us.

I sat beside Daphne just as Professor Snape walked in, his long black robes flowing behind him.

"Settle down, settle down." Professor Snape hissed at the students who were still chatting with the others, one of them being Malfoy.

"Today you will be brewing the Wiggenweld Potion. Would anyone care to tell me what is the use of the Wiggenweld Potion?" Professor Snape asked in his signature slow and dragging manner of speech.

"The Wiggenweld Potion is used to heal injuries and reverse the effects of Sleeping Draught, Sir."

I whipped my head back to see Hermione answering the question.

What? She wasn't there just now!

"I don't remember calling on you, Ms. Granger. Five points from Gryffindor."

I see the Gryffindors roll their eyes. It was expected despite it being totally unfair. Snape hated Gryffindors, and he found just about any reason to take points from them. Malfoy was already sniggering in his seat.

"You will be working in pairs for the rest of the potions you will be brewing this term, unless I say so. There will be no changing of partners." Professor Snape said sternly.

I can hear a few murmurs of complaint from some of the others. Snape wasn't really the best at pairing students.

"Longbottom and Potter."

"Finnigan and Greengrass."

"Weasley and Zabini."

"Nott and Granger."

"Parkinson and Thomas."

"Silvermade and Malfoy."

I stopped myself from groaning out loud.

Once everyone in class was paired, we all moved seats to sit beside our partners.

"Hello again, Silvermade. I see you keep finding yourself in my company." Malfoy smirked.

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