Chapter 48 - The Goblet of Fire

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The conversation at the Slytherin table had drifted away from Draco's unexpected compliment directed at me, and despite Pansy and Daphne's constant nudging and sniggering, I managed to calm down the blush that engulfed my cheeks.

I decided to turn my attention away and saw the arrival of Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch. When they sat down at the teacher's table, I finally found out what those two extra seats are for.

Once the feast was done and the plates had been cleared, Professor Dumbledore stood up again. There was excitement in everyone's expressions, as we all anticipated what's to come.

Everyone was at the edge of their seats as Dumbledore spoke.

"The Triwizard Tournament is about to start, but before we officially begin, I would like to say a few words."

There were groans that rippled around the Great Hall, knowing that Dumbledore's 'few words' would not be necessarily few.

"First, let me introduce the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, and the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Mr. Ludo Bagman."

The two men who Dumbledore introduced stood up, and was met with applause. Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch looked as contrasting as they did the first time I saw them at the World Cup. The two sat again and Dumbledore continued.

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly for the fruition of the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore said. "And they will be joining myself, Durmstrang Headmaster — Igor Karkaroff, and Beauxbatons Headmistress — Madame Maxime Olympe on the panel which will judge the Champions' efforts in winning the Triwizard Tournament."

At the mention of this, everyone seemed to have grown more attentive. The sight of Mr. Filch arriving at the corner as he lugged a six-tiered gold casket with a pointed top, seemed to have captivated everyone as well. Everyone whispered in excitement as Dumbledore beckoned Filch to place the casket in the middle of the raised platform.

"The Champions will face three tasks — each will test their magical prowess, powers of deduction, and of course, their ability to cope with danger." Dumbledore said. "But for our Champions to be chosen, we needed to have an impartial judge to determine which of those who enters are worthy to compete."

Dumbledore then took out his wand, and tapped the top of the casket three times. The casket melted like gold, but left nothing as it vanished. It revealed a large wooden cup, standing atop an unrefined marble pedestal. It would have been entirely unremarkable if not for the blue-white flames that danced full on its brim.

"The Goblet of Fire."

Everyone stared in awe as the cup illuminated a part of the Great Hall in blue and white light.

"Anyone wishing to submit themselves as Champions to the Tournament must write their names on a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame." Dumbledore explained. "Aspiring Champions have twenty four hours to put their names."

"Tomorrow night, during the Halloween Feast, the Goblet will return the names of the three most worthy to represent their schools. The Great Hall will be cleared for the Goblet of Fire to be accessible to those who wish to compete."

"To ensure that no underage student tries to enter —" Dumbledore's eyes flickered to Fred & George for half a second. "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet."

There were excited chatter here and there and I could hear a couple of the sixth and seventh year Slytherins that are of age, who seemed to be planning to enter their names.

Dumbledore cleared his throat for a final reminder.

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete in the Triwizard Tournament that it is not to be entered lightly." Dumbledore's voice had gone deep, a contrast to his encouraging tone a while ago. This time it sounded as if he was issuing a grave warning.

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