Chapter 30 - The End of Year 3

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Ron and I were dismissed from the Hospital Wing just this morning, and we both spent most of it listening to Harry and Hermione as they relayed to us the events that unfolded when they went back in time.

In the afternoon, Draco had found me as I went back to the common room, urging me to explain everything to him.

I had told him about what happened in the Shrieking Shack and how Sirius Black turned out to be an innocent man. I also told him about Professor Lupin being a Werewolf and how it had been a total accident that he hit me.

With Hermione's permission, I also told Draco about the Time-Turner and what Harry and Hermione did to save Sirius and Buckbeak.

Draco was incredibly accepting of the story, only nodding and asking very minimal questions — he was especially laughing off at the fact that Ron had been sleeping beside a fully grown man pretending to be a rat all these years.

But overall, I was relieved that he was being a bit kind towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione by not tattling on them. But of course that was only a momentary kindness. It is Draco after all.

The moment we both walked into the Great Hall and sat on our table for lunch, he was back to throwing his usual insults at them.

The rest of our group were frantic after they had learned that I ended up at the hospital wing. I did, after all, tell them that I was just going to the girls' bathroom. I made up a lie about slipping on a puddle and had fallen on my sides, cracking the same set of ribs I had injured during Quidditch — seems to be a bit of a lame excuse but they all bought it.

"By the way, have you heard?" Pansy asked all of us suddenly.

"What?" Daphne asked.

"Lupin's a Werewolf!" Pansy exclaimed. I almost choked on my water as I drank.

"And where did you hear this nonsense, Pans?" Draco rolled his eyes. "Seems a bit of a stretch."

I was grateful that Draco was keeping Pansy off track from the truth.

"It's not nonsense!" Pansy said fiercely. "Snape told some of the Slytherins and then the information just trickled down to me."

"That's impossible." I gasped.

"It's true. Heard a few first years talking about it." Blaise stated blankly.

Theo hugged his arms around him. "Imagine, I was casually talking to a Werewolf when I needed help in DADA class! He could've eaten me up."

I glared at Theo but stopped myself in saying anything. Instead, it was Draco who spoke.

"You're not half as delectable as you think, Theo. I reckon even a Werewolf will spit you out." Draco smirked at Theo as the rest of the group laughed, with the exception of me.

I turned back to the Gryffindor's table to see Harry just sitting down.

"I'll be back." I said to them, standing up.

"Make sure you don't end up in the hospital wing again!" Daphne giggled.

"I'm just going over there by Harry." I rolled my eyes and went my way.

"Harry." I called as I sat beside him. Ron and Hermione were seated in front of us. "I heard about what Snape did."

"That bloody prick!" Ron exclaimed. "Couldn't keep his mouth shut, can he?"

"I think it was deliberate. He was so furious last night when Sirius escaped. Got his 'sweet vengeance' on Lupin instead. It's childish of him, really." Hermione said as she shook her head in dismay.

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