Chapter 66 - The Last Resort

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Two days had passed since that fiasco at the Slytherin Common Room, and Astoria quickly spread the news that she was going to the Yule Ball with Draco.

Also, for the past two days, Draco was once again avoiding me, although this time, he was also not talking to Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Daphne.

Pansy and Daphne would throw hateful glances at Draco every chance they could, especially during breakfast, lunch, and dinner when we'd find him eating his meals with Astoria.

The holidays had officially begun, so I had a much easier time not crossing paths with Draco. And since Pansy and Daphne spent most of their time with Dean and Blaise, respectively, and Theo was now hanging out with his Beauxbatons date, — which we've learned is named Collette LaRue — I've been hanging out with Harry and Ron.

Hermione rarely joined us as she spends most of her time in the Library, either studying or doing S.P.E.W stuff that we opted not to participate in.

At lunch, I was seated at the Gryffindor table with Ron and Harry, watching the decorations being put up as we ate our meals. It was my first time to spend the holiday break at Hogwarts, and according to Harry, who always stays at Hogwarts during Christmas, this was the most extravagant he's seen the decorations have been.

Everlasting icicles were attached to the banisters of the Grand Staircase, twelve Christmas trees in the Great Hall were decked in holly and real hooting golden owls, and the suits of armours were all bewitched to sing Christmas carols whenever anyone passed by them. All of these were, in no doubt, to impress our visitors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

My observation of the decorations was disrupted by Ron's loud grumbling.

"The Yule Ball is in eight days, and we still haven't found dates!"

"You haven't asked anyone?" I asked. The two shook their heads.

Ron chuckled. "Harry was asked thrice, but he said no to all of them."

I looked confusedly at Harry. "Why?"

"The third year Hufflepuff girl was someone I've never talked to in my life, I kind of panicked and said no immediately." Harry stated. "And then there was a second-year Gryffindor, and a fifth-year Ravenclaw."

"The fifth-year was quite good looking." Ron said.

"She was a foot taller than me." Harry scowled. "I honestly thought she was going to knock me out when I refused."

"Well, there's no one to blame but yourself then." I said as I continued to eat.

"Y/N, seeing as you're no longer going know." Ron trailed. "Come with one of us, then the other would just have to take Hermione."

I stared at Ron, slightly annoyed. "What do you mean by 'would just have to'?"

Ron probably sensed that I was ticked by what he said. "I only meant that one would be going with you, and the other with Hermione."

"And does Hermione know of this plan?" I asked.

Ron shook his head. "No, but she spent all her days in the Library. Who'd ask her there? Madam Pince?"

Harry chuckled along with Ron. I rolled my eyes at the two then sighed. "I already have someone in mind to go with."

"Who?" Harry asked.

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