Chapter 43 - The Unforgivable Curses

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The next two days were quite uneventful, unless you count the S.P.E.W meeting I had with Harry, Ron, and Hermione — which were honestly, also uneventful.

On Tuesday, the four of us huddled at the Library with Hermione lecturing us on the centuries-old problem of house-elf enslavement. Ron had dozed off at one point, earning a pinch to his sides from Hermione. She had also insisted that, since I am the only member who's family had house elves, I should tell my parents that they should pay our house elves wages, and provide other work benefits.

I didn't actually know how to open that topic up with my parents, so instead I pacified Hermione by telling her that I would write to Pippy about her opinion on it.

It's now Thursday, and we've just been dismissed from Potions. It was dreadful and everyone of us got out of the dungeons looking very green.

Snape seemed to have grown more vindictive over the summer, so when Neville melted his cauldron for the second time this week — the first one was yesterday, during our first Potions class of the term — Snape had Neville disembowel all the horned toads we were to use in front of the class as punishment, much to our extreme disgust and Neville's horror.

Lunch was horribly unappetizing due to the fact that the image of the organs of the horned toad is still fresh in my mind, and the Kidney Pudding did not make it any easier to forget.

"What do you reckon Moody's first class would be like?" Blaise asked, lifting our attention from the grim looking meal.

"Probably as ridiculous as Lupin's." Draco said, grinning proudly at the bad pun he had made in regards to Lupin's Boggart defense lesson last year.

"I just realized, is he called Mad-Eye Moody because of his weird eye?" Theo asked in between mouthfuls of the kidney pudding.

I nodded. "Probably. But his name's actually Alastor — I heard from some of the other students."

"Mad-Eye has a better ring to it." Draco sniggered.

"Don't think he'd like it very much if you called him that to his face." Pansy said. All of us chuckled, even Draco.

"Anyone got a gum?" Theo asked after we ate dessert. "I can still taste the kidney pudding and it's gross mixing up with the taste of the cauldron cake."

"I have one." Daphne said, passing Theo one ball of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum.

"Thanks." Theo grinned as he popped the gum inside his mouth. "Wouldn't want to snog anyone with a kidney pudding breath."

"No one would want to snog you either way, Theo." Pansy rolled her eyes. Theo just gave her a wink which had Pansy scowl in repulsion.

After lunch, the six of us walked to the DADA classroom. When we arrived, Moody wasn't there yet. Draco and I sat next to each other by the front desks while the rest of our group took the desks behind us.

I was quite eager for the lesson so I sat at the front, while Draco, for some reason, stuck close to me despite his constant complaints about DADA being stupid.

We both took out our copies of The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection along with the rest of class, just as we heard the distinctive sound of Moody's wooden leg coming down from the upstairs office inside the classroom. He stood in front of all of us with a menacing look as he leaned on his staff.

"You can put those away!" He ordered. "You won't need those books in my class."

Although confused, we followed his instructions and stuffed our books inside our bags.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a more practical approach." Moody said. "First! Which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses are there?"

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