Chapter 15 - Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor

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The Slytherin Halloween Party was the talk of the whole school for days.

Miraculously, none of the teachers nor Filch found out about it, and even if they did hear about it, it's not like they can punish us for a thing that's happened way past already.

It was now the second week of November. It was Saturday, but Hogsmeade visit was cancelled to make way for the first game of the Quidditch season.

It was Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor, and I was beyond excited. I had been waiting for months for Quidditch to start — even though I'm not to play until after the Christmas break, much to my dismay.

Draco had already removed the sling and bandage of his arm after the first Hogsmeade trip when I got him to stop telling lies about what happened with Buckbeak, but Snape said that the Quidditch games had already been scheduled so there will be no changes done.

We were buzzed for today's game despite the ferocious weather when we arrived on the spectators stand of the Quidditch pitch. There was thunder and lightning that accompanied the heavy rain, with no sign of letting up.

I can faintly see the players stagger into the muddy pitch, wearing their Quidditch uniforms and brooms held tightly in hand, along with goggles over their eyes to help see despite the rain.

The crowd's noise was drowned by the thunder, but we were not fazed by it as we all shouted in support of the house we were rooting for.

I was on the bleachers beside Ron and Hermione. Pansy and Daphne were also with me, since they had become quite acquainted with the trio after the party, while the boys — Theo, Blaise, and Draco — decided to sit by the rest of the Slytherins who were cheering for Hufflepuff, even though they despised them.

They had a mind that if Hufflepuff won the game today, they'd be easier to defeat in later games than Gryffindor, especially with Harry being branded as the best Seeker Hogwarts has seen in ages.

Funnily, I did saw Theo waving a huge Slytherin flag even though our house wasn't playing. The green and silver was out of place in the sea of red, gold, yellow, and black.

"That's Cedric Diggory!" Pansy shouted next to me through the harsh winds, pointing towards the Hufflepuff Seeker on the field.

I strained my eyes to see better. Despite the rain, I can just make out Cedric Diggory's tall frame.

"He seems fit." I mumbled.

"He is!" Daphne gushed. "He's so attractive it's almost a crime."

"He's not called Pretty-Boy Diggory for nothing!" Pansy giggled. "I briefly saw him at the party, and Merlin, was he a pleasant sight."

I sniggered at Pansy and Daphne's admiration and continued to stare at Cedric Diggory.

Just then Madam Hooch arrived at the center of the pitch, said a few words to Oliver Wood and Cedric Diggory, — Gryffindor and Hufflepuf Captains, respectively — and then whistled and released the Quaffle to signal the start of the game, making the crowd go wild in cheers.

Within seconds, both the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor teams were up in the air, flying around.

Gryffindor had scored goal after goal, but with Hufflepuff doing the same, it was a really close fight.

"How can they see in this rain?" I asked, astonished.

Hermione answered beside me. "I placed an Impervius spell on Harry's goggles. Not sure about the rest, but they probably did the same."

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