Chapter 21 - Buckbeak

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It had been a few days since I got caught with Harry roaming around the castle after curfew, and most of the students, even the ghosts, are all talking about it. But for a reason entirely different and false.

Peeves had been chanting that stupid rhyme he had said to us that night all over Hogwarts for days, telling anyone he sees.

"Potty wee Potter and Silly wee Silvermade were snogging! Naughty, naughty, they got caughty by Snively Severus Snape!"

I knew the rumour was rampant when I walked into the Great Hall for breakfast and everyone was looking at me and whispering amongst themselves. Fred and George had even stopped me mid-track to tease me.

"How are you, Y/N?" Fred asked.

"Heard something interesting lately." George was grinning.

"It's not true." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Really? You weren't seen with Harry by Snape?" Fred started.

"Roaming around the castle after curfew?" George finished.

I groaned. "We were out after curfew but we weren't snogging like Peeves has been saying. That fucking poltergeist is spewing nonsense."

Fred and George started laughing, and since I didn't want to lose my cool so early in the morning, I decided to ignore them and walk to where Pansy, Daphne, Blaise, Theo, and Draco are seated.

I sat beside Daphne, poking the food that appeared before me angrily.

"So, Y/N. You and Potter?" Theo was smiling mischievously.

"Don't, Theo." I glared.

"Oh but we have to talk about this! You and Potter!" Theo grinned excitedly.

I suppressed my annoyance and looked at them. Daphne and Pansy seemed like they were bursting with questions too, while Blaise and Theo had a teasing grin plastered on their faces. Draco was scowling. Don't know what his deal is, but he seemed pissed with the world, so I ignored him.

"I'm only saying this once." I said through clenched teeth. "It's not true."

"What happened then? Why is Peeves saying it all over the school?" Pansy asked.

I rolled my eyes before speaking.

"I just bumped into Harry when I was walking back to the common room after my detention, then Snape showed up, and that's it."

I didn't go into any further details of that night. They didn't need to know.

"You weren't secretly meeting each other to snog?" Blaise asked.

"No! I've told you. We just happened to meet there!" I was already feeling anger bubbling inside me.

"Then why is Peeves —"

I didn't let Draco finish whatever it is he was about to ask, because now I was really annoyed.

"Peeves is lying. He doesn't even know what happened, he just showed up after Snape did!"

"Alright, Y/N. We believe you." Daphne said as she patted me on the back.

Theo looked like he wanted to ask more questions but I darted him a glare, which instantly shut his mouth.

I sighed, trying to calm myself down.

"Don't get me wrong. If I was really dating someone then it's fine if people talk about it amidst themselves, for all I care. But it isn't true. And it's mortifying. I don't even know how to face Harry, and we're friends!"

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