Chapter 88 - The Silvermades

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Sirius quickly turned into a large black dog, and Fawkes swooped inside Dumbledore's office, resting on Harry's knee. Then, the fireplace in Dumbledore's office lit up in emerald flames, and from it emerged my father, looking quite disheveled and beside himself.

"Y/N!" He quickly ran to me and engulfed me into a hug.


For some reason, the remaining heavy load I felt disappeared as soon as I saw my father, and I could not help but sob as he held me tight.

"You're all right, dear." He said as he soothed my back. "You're all right."

After I had calmed down, Dumbledore invited my father to sit in the chair Sirius used to occupy. I can also see him staring at the large dog by Harry's side, but if that was a peculiar sight to him, he did not say anything about it. Dumbledore quickly caught my father up to the details Harry and I had relayed, and all the the time he was listening, my father had a strained look on his face.

"Alfred, I know that it will be hard on you, but you must let Y/N understand why Voldemort wanted her blood." Dumbledore said quietly.

My father took a deep breath and took my hands in his, but did not say anything still.

I stared at him. "Dad, he said — he said our family's blood was cursed. That we're tainted by an act of selfishness."

I can see my father's face contort into a multitude of expressions, mostly noticeably of guilt.

My father looked at Dumbledore. "She is too young still."

Dumbledore shook his head slowly. "I know it's your priority to protect Y/N, but she has the right to know. Understanding the situation fully is the first step in accepting what happened tonight."

Father took another deep breath, his hand still not letting go of mine.

"Y/N." He started as he looked at me straight in the eyes. "You know that there is not much known about our family to those outside of it. The Silvermades before us had done everything in their power and influence to be removed from the books, and we kept great care at being private about our lives."

I nodded carefully as I listened.

"It's because the Silvermade family — our family — used to to be unicorn blood drinkers."

A small gasp escaped my lips and even Harry looked scandalized.


"It was in the very early centuries." He said, looking very ashamed. "Back when the Ministry still had not made any kind of laws against hunting these creatures. Our ancestors, taking advantage of the power unicorn blood granted its drinkers, killed and harvested the blood for their own gains. Everyone knew that they were pure and majestic creatures, but our family simply did not care. We traded parts of the unicorn, like its horns and hair, which resulted in immense wealth. But the blood — the blood we kept to ourselves, for it gives the drinker an extended life and a surge of power that enhanced magical abilities beyond any wizard's dreams."

My brain was again muddled by the unbelievable things that I was hearing from my father.

"It is a monstrous act to slay a unicorn, we know that. And monstrous acts came with consequences. As a result, our ancestors who had continually drank unicorn blood for as long as they could, had tainted our bloodline with a curse. At first, it was thought that the only result of this was our family's hair gradually turning silver once a Silvermade had matured, but later on it was realized that the degree of humanity of a unicorn blood drinker diminishes and would soon result into absolute insanity, followed by a most painful death felt within. Many of our ancestors suffered that, and rightfully so."

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