Chapter 82 - The Bug

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The days that passed after that night at the Gryffindor Common Room was fairly normal — well, as normal as we could be despite all the new information we found out.

I was admittedly getting more stressed with each day, having to juggle my lecture revisions, studying for the nearing exams, having to continuously hide what's going on to Draco and make up excuses every time I'm out past curfew, as well as not letting these horrors I just learned come up in my head every time I see Snape, and trying not to burst into tears whenever Neville is around. On top of all that, I was still helping Harry along with Ron and Hermione to practice spells, hexes, and jinxes for the Third Task. There was honestly so much on my plate that I was mostly on the verge of a breakdown.

So I was somewhat thankful when we entered June. It was the last month of the school year, and it also meant that the Third Task is only weeks away. Despite the tension we all felt in the castle, I was just glad that I could see the end of this Tournament, and never think about it ever again — or maybe for the next five years if they plan to permanently reinstate it, since originally the Triwizard Tournament is held every five years. I'd be thankfully out of Hogwarts by that time.

During the previous years, when June comes, I'd be cooped inside the Slytherin Common Room or the Library every chance I got, busy studying for the end of the year exams, but this year, instead of doing that, I spent my free time — as well as lunchtimes and after dinnertimes — with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the empty Transfiguration classroom. Professor McGonagall had walked in on the four of us multiple times all over school practising, and she had grown tired of reprimanding us, so she gave Harry permission to use her classroom.

Harry had been successful in the lessons which was consisted of the Reductor Curse; a spell to blast a solid objects to pieces, the Four-Point Spell; a useful discovery that pointed the caster's wand due north, which would enable Harry to navigate the maze, and the Jelly-Legs Jinx; which made the target's legs wobble. He was having a hard time with the Shield Charm though, despite my constant tutoring. I don't blame him, I was already in tears of frustration by the time I learned it when my Father was teaching me the charm during the summer before our third year.

We skipped to the Impediment Jinx for now, as we practised on a wasp that made the mistake of flying inside the classroom.

"That's great, Harry!" I cheered when the wasp stopped dead in mid-air after he casted Impedimenta.

"That's done for the Impediment Jinx then." Hermione said as she crossed off the spell from the list she made of what Harry might need to use on the creatures Hagrid had provided for the maze.

"Should we do the Shield Charm again?" I said to Harry. "I'll cast the Jelly-Legs Jinx, and you try to protect yourself."

He groaned but nodded nonetheless. I raised my wand and aimed it at him.

"Locomotor Wibb—"

"What's Malfoy's ex-girlfriend doing?" Ron, who was standing by the window that overlooked the grounds, loudly exclaimed.

I dropped my arm to my side immediately. "What ex-girlfriend?"

"Ron!" Hermione groaned irritably. "Y/N and Harry were practising!"

"What ex-girlfriend?" I repeated as I furrowed my eyebrows at Ron. "He doesn't have any officially, and last time I checked we're still together."

"No, the girl he went to the Yule Ball with — Daphne's sister." Ron said, still looking down on the grounds. "The one you jinxed and poured casserole on at the Great Hall."

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