Chapter 95 - The Ministry Of Magic

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Fear jabbed at my insides like a needle as I set down the letter from my father. Harry, who had already been as white as a sheet of paper since this morning due to the fact that his hearing at the Ministry was tomorrow, looked over at me quizzically.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked.

"My dad wants me to come tomorrow to the Ministry too." I said.


"Draco wants to see me, so he's going to be there with Mr. Malfoy."

Everyone looked at me at the mention of Lucius Malfoy, particularly Sirius.

Mr. Weasley sighed before explaining. "It's true. Alfred asked me to take her tomorrow with Harry."

Mrs. Weasley shook her head vehemently. "No! It is too dangerous for Y/N to face Lucius Malfoy. He's a Death Eater!"

"I agree." Sirius said tensely. "We don't know what Lucius would do or ask Y/N."

Mr. Weasley sighed again. "I understand the concern, but Alfred says Lucius is already suspicious of Y/N spending the summer with us. If we don't let her meet them, it would strengthen their belief that we are up to something."

"Alfred is friends with Lucius." Sirius said. "What if this is just some scheme to lure Y/N out? Isn't the reason why he's not part of the Order even though his daughter is here because he's kept close friendships with those likely to side with Voldemort?"

I frowned at what Sirius was trying to insinuate about my father. Thankfully, Lupin interjected.

"I don't think Alfred would do that to his daughter." Lupin said, then looked sternly at Sirius. "You know that it's Alfred who refused to be part of the Order. He says its too risky for him to know about it."

Sirius furrowed his eyebrows together. "Because he's friends with Voldemort's supporters."

"My father is not a Death Eater." I said desperately. "He's only friends with them because...because they're the only people he knew growing up. Same with my mother — My parents are not Death Eaters."

Mrs. Weasley came over to my side and wrapped an arm around me. "Of course, dear. Of course we know that."

"Alfred's the farthest thing from a Death Eater." Mr. Weasley said. "I'm sure the reason he's agreed to this is to prevent Lucius Malfoy from further poking his nose in on us."

"No one likes this at all, having Harry and Y/N outside the headquarters, two people Voldemort would want in his hands." Lupin sighed. "But we have no choice."

"Well, at least Arthur, Tonks, and Kingsley would be at the Ministry to keep an eye on them." Sirius said.

Harry frowned and looked over at Sirius. "You said you were coming to my hearing in your Animagus form?"

Sirius clenched his jaw just as Mrs. Weasley answered Harry.

"Dumbledore thinks it's not a good idea for Sirius to go with you, and I must say I — "

"Think he's quite right, don't you, Molly?" Sirius said through clenched teeth. Mrs. Weasley only pursed her lips but did not say anything.

"When did Dumbledore say that?" Harry said as he stared back and forth at Mrs. Weasley and Sirius.

"He came last night when you were sleeping." Mrs. Weasley said.

Sirius walked out grumpily as Harry lowered his gaze and stared at his hands. He looked so frustrated as he balled his fists.

When we were sent upstairs for an early bedtime, since Harry and I would be leaving early with Mr. Weasley, Ron and Hermione immediately voiced out their worries.

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