Chapter 11 - The Great Hall

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The weekend came and went too fast for my liking. As expected, Monday was dreadful. It was only a small consolation that I did well with my Transfiguration homework, which I thanked Draco once again for his help on more than half of it.

Potions was decent, since we didn't brew anything and instead discussed Undetectable Poisons. However, seeing as it was Snape, he had assigned us to collect ingredients for the antidote to uncommon poisons which is what we would be doing next week.

History of Magic as always is a bore because of Professor Binns. Nothing new there.

But today, I was excited. Professor Lupin promised us last week that we would have an interesting and fun topic, so I was looking forward to that. But first, I had to get through Divination.

I was seated next to Draco in class. We were to do Tessomancy, the art of reading tea leaves, and I was already rolling my eyes more times than I could count. Professor Trelawney had just walked in and she looked like every bit a loony.

"I don't know if I can take this class seriously." I said to no one in particular.

Ron turned to me and laughed. "Atleast you can bullshit your way through homework. You just have to mix up good and bad prophecies."

"And make sure to add how you'd most likely die. She seemed to like those." Harry chimed in.

We all sniggered just as Professor Trelawney started giving out instructions on what to do.

She instructed us to take the cup of the person sitting next to us, and told us to interpret whatever we see on the tea leaves.

She was going around the room, holding people's heads and telling us to broaden our minds and look beyond. Beyond where? I don't know. She never said.

"What a load of rubbish."

"Exact —" I turned to see Hermione now sitting between Harry and Ron.

"Hermione?! Where did you come from?!" I exclaimed in half-whisper.

I'm positive she wasn't there a few moments ago. I had talked to Harry and Ron before Professor Trelawney started spewing this nonsense!

"Me? I've been here all this time." She said, but she seemed out of breath as she fiddled with the collar of her uniform.

"No, you — " I was about to argue when Draco tapped me on the shoulder.

"Look, Longbottom's about to cry." He snickered.

I looked over and true enough, a small whimper escaped from Neville.

Professor Trelawney was asking him if his grandmother was quite well. She took Neville's cup, gave it a seconds glance before clicking her tongue.

"Pity." She murmured.

I rolled my eyes and exchanged teacups with Draco. I saw nothing resembling anything in the books, just a bunch of leaves left after you finished a cup of tea.

"I see nothing." I sighed to Draco. "You?"

"I'm thinking this is a sun...and a cross?" Draco seemed unsure as he tipped my teacup towards me.

"Just go with that then." I said as we flipped through our Divination book.

"So, trials and suffering and then you'll find great happiness? Or is it happiness first then you'll experience trials and suffering?" Draco said.

He was staring intently at the cup and I almost found it amusing if Trelawney hadn't snatched away Draco's teacup that I was holding.

"This is Mr. Malfoy's, correct?"

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