Chapter 46 - Wrong Assumptions

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The weeks went by with minimal change to our daily routines.

Daphne and Blaise started talking again, as if nothing had happened at all. Although we have yet to confirm whether they went back to their casual hook-ups.

Pansy was still admiring Dean Thomas from afar. She doesn't really want to approach him yet since she says she feels too shy. Honestly, I was still very surprised at that revelation since I've never seen it coming at all.

And Draco and I are ever the same. The same routine of walking to classes together, spending free period at the common room and doing homework. Although I have started to notice what Pansy and Daphne were saying — like how he always seems to follow me around, always giving me extra attention, and always finding the time to grumble about my tutor sessions with Cedric, and my spending time with Harry, Ron, and Hermione — although he says it's because he can't come and would never come with me to meet them. As always, I've just rolled my eyes and brushed off whatever insults Draco had mustered.

Harry had shared in one of our S.P.E.W meetings that Sirius had finally replied to him. Sirius said that Harry's scar hurting was no small matter, and that he would be coming back, but Harry had worried about the chances that Sirius might get caught so he hurriedly sent another letter, asking Sirius to disregard the previous letter about his scar.

Hermione and I protested, saying that if it really hurt then it must mean something, but Harry was stubborn to say that it was just nothing, so we hesitantly let the topic go.

In regards to S.P.E.W, no one else but the four of us are members — not that I expected our numbers to grow. Hermione was getting a bit frustrated by the lack of joiners, but she was mainly annoyed because of my house elf, Pippy's response to my letter asking if she wanted wages, holidays, et cetera.

Pippy had answered with a resounding five-word sentence:

Pippy does not want those!

Hermione urged me to write to Pippy again, and explain things much clearer this time.

For this letter, Pippy had answered with just two words:

No, Miss!

Hermione, as frustrated as she was, still had no thoughts of giving up on S.P.E.W.

On top of S.P.E.W, classes became harder as the weeks passed. Arithmancy and Ancient Runes was even more difficult than last year, and I found myself spending most of my time studying for these courses with Draco.

For DADA class, Moody had us fight off the Imperius Curse. I wasn't sure how it was legal of him to put us under the curse, but Moody said he was given clearance by Professor Dumbledore himself, so who were we to question that.

At one DADA session, while under the Imperius Curse, I was instructed to jump up and down. It took me a couple of tries to shake off the demanding voice of Professor Moody echoing in my head, telling me to jump over and over again. Soon, I was clutching my shins as I had both jumped and prevented myself from doing so. I was praised for the feat, but Harry was the star of that class after defying everything while under the Imperius Curse.

For Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall was ruthless — she assigns homework every session, and holds practical demonstrations and exercises every chance she could get. At one particularly difficult lecture, I succeeded turning a hedgehog into a pincushion and earned five points from Professor McGonagall.

I absolutely give all credits to Cedric's tutoring.

I've spent a bit of time with Cedric at the Library. Most of the help I needed was in Transfiguration, and he was a really good tutor. I had a clearer understanding of the lectures when I discuss them with him, so it was definitely a huge help. He was also slowly starting to become someone I'd consider a friend.

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