Chapter 19 - Defense Against The Dark Arts with Snape

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It was Thursday, and I was barely surviving the week — not surprising since I barely do every week of term. But mainly because I've exhausted my brain's capacity during Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, and by the time lunch rolled in I was beyond knackered.

"You look dead." Pansy said to me as I slumped on the Slytherin table at the Great Hall.

"Thanks." I grumbled sarcastically.

Draco was following closely behind and then sat in front of me.

"Y/N was grilled by both Professor Vector and Professor Babbling during Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. She managed to answer most of them but I'm guessing it's taken a toll on her." He chuckled as he started eating.

I glared at Draco, not finding the energy to answer back.

"Thought you were going to drop those courses?" Daphne asked.

I sighed as I started eating. "I'm contemplating about it."

"Well, I think you should. Look at the state you're in." Daphne said sympathetically.

"I really don't understand why you've taken so many elective courses." Theo said to me. "I reckon two is enough."

I rolled my eyes at Theo. "I figured I might need knowledge on Arithmancy and Ancient Runes in the future."

"When will you ever need Arithmancy?" Theo chuckled. "All you need is to learn simple math and you're set."

"Not as if you know simple math, Theo. I reckon you struggle even with that." I said to Theo mockingly, to which the latter just sneered.

"And besides, Arithmancy isn't just simply solving numbers. You ought to apply mathematical logic and recognize relationship between the patterns and numbers to predict the future." I said.

Draco sniggered. "I think you lost Theo at 'mathematical logic'."

True enough, Theo was no longer listening to me and was now engaged in a conversation with Pansy about whatever. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"Do you reckon, Lupin would be present in class today?" Blaise asked after a while.

We all shrugged. Professor Lupin's attendance in class has been quite lacking.

"I hope not. DADA is so much better without him." Draco scoffed.

"I've learned more in DADA with Professor Lupin than I've ever had. Especially last year, we barely learned anything with Lockhart. That blithering idiot." I scowled at the memory of our narcissistic ex-professor.

"He is stupid, that one." Pansy chuckled.

"Ever wondered what happened to him?" Daphne asked.

"Wasn't he sacked?" Blaise asked.

"Well, yeah. But he's supposed to be a prolific author, isn't he? Haven't released any books afterwards, my Mum says." Theo mused.

The rest of the group shrugged except for me.

I did know what happened to Gilderoy Lockhart. He had used Ron's wand to try and obliviate Ron and Harry when they were saving Ginny from the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets last year. But since Ron's wand was broken and had only been repaired by Spellotape, it backfired. I'm quite sure he's been shipped off to St. Mungo's.

I was, yet again, sworn to secrecy by the three of them so I wasn't going to divulge any of these to my friends. 

After lunch, we all made our way to the DADA classroom. Pansy and Daphne took a seat at the back of the room, while Theo sat with a different student at the back since it was the only seat vacant there. He wasn't really one to take a seat upfront in class.

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