Chapter 80 - The Disappearance of Mr. Crouch

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The start of the third term would normally mean that I had Quidditch training to give me a break from all the gruelling studying to be done, but since this year Quidditch was cancelled for the Triwizard Tournament, we had no choice but bury our noses in books everyday.

There was only a month before the end of the year exams and everyone was frantically studying, with the exception of the Champions. I secretly loathed Harry and Cedric sometimes because of it, but then again, they'd be facing something far more dangerous than just exams and a failing grade.

Hermione and Ron were also part of the majority not exempted from the end of the year exams, so we seldom meet each other during the first few weeks of May to study at our respective common rooms, while Harry spent most of his time worrying about the Third Task and the upcoming briefing about it.

On the last week of May, while I was walking out of the Transfiguration classroom with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and a very furious Draco, — the former three didn't care if he was around me nowadays, and would always approach me — Professor McGonagall called to Harry.

"You are to go down to the Qudditch pitch at nine o'clock, Potter." Professor McGonagall said. It wasn't lost on me that she had a quizzical look on her face as she eyed our peculiar group. "Mr. Bagman will be there to tell the Champions about the Third Task."

Harry nodded tensely at her as we ultimately left the classroom.

"So, I'm guessing Crouch won't be there again." Harry looked fairly annoyed.

"You don't know that yet." I said. "It's the final task, maybe he'd be there."

"And what if he isn't?" Harry asked.

Hermione, Ron, and I could only exchange worried glances. If Crouch wasn't there, it'd be a dead end for the many questions we had about him.

"Tell me again why I'm walking with these three gits?" Draco scowled, throwing hateful looks at Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Draco." I said warningly.

Ron rolled his eyes. "It's not as if we like walking with you too, Ferret."

"Shut your mouth, Weasel!" Draco glowered at him. "Get away then if you don't like it too."

"We're here for Y/N." Harry knitted his eyebrows together. "You get away, Malfoy."

"Y/N's my girlfriend, you dimwits. I have more right to walk beside her than you three do."

I sighed in exasperation. "You really shouldn't call them dimwits, especially since Hermione's here."

Draco raised one eyebrow as he sneered. "Oh. I meant, two dimwits, and one insufferable know-it-all."

Harry and Ron looked absolutely furious, while Hermione just shrugged.

"I'm not offended to be called a know-it-all." Hermione said proudly. "I do know more than you, Malfoy, seeing as you're below me in every class ranking."

"No one asked for you opinion, Granger!"

"All right!" I said, raising my hands up at them. "Enough with the insult match."

"Y/N should really find a nicer boyfriend." Ron grumbled.

"And Y/N should find better finds outside Slytherin." Draco scowled.

"Did I not say that's enough?" I stared at the two of them.

"Fine." Harry, Ron, and Draco muttered unwillingly under their breaths.

"Anyway, what do you reckon the Third Task will be?" I asked.

Harry shrugged defeatedly. "No idea at all."

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