Chapter 90 - The End of Year 4

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When I opened my eyes at the Hospital Wing, Draco was there, along with the rest of our friends. Surprisingly, they didn't ask me any kind of questions at all. They only watched me get up from the bed and waited quietly while I changed behind the screens, and until Madam Pomfrey dismissed me from the Hospital Wing. I was asleep for much longer than I had originally thought. A full two days. And that is why, it was no surprise to me that I was feeling extremely starved.

Harry and Cedric had already been discharged from the Hospital Wing a day prior, and the both of them were already having breakfast at their respective house tables when I entered the Great Hall. There was a tensed chatter that surrounded the hall, and students were lowly whispering amongst themselves as I walked through to reach the Slytherin table. As soon as the food appeared on my plate, I immediately scarfed down my breakfast, not stopping until I emptied out my plate.

I was still a bit loopy from the sleep potion, and some details of that night at the graveyard had blurred. The only remaining memory that was frighteningly vivid was when Wormtail sliced at my left arm, and Voldemort's rebirth.

I looked at my left arm. There was no longer any trace of the deep cut there.

My mind travelled back to the story of my ancestors that my father had told in Dumbledore's office. It was a wonder to me why I had not gone into shock when my father told me that our family used to trade unicorn horn and hair which resulted to our family's wealth, and that we used to drink unicorn blood.

I absentmindedly touched my hair, twirling the strands around my finger. The changed colour of my hair and eyes are proof of my ancestor's sins. The everlasting brand of their greed and selfishness. This was the reason why Voldemort needed my blood to nullify the magic that protected Harry, and it is my blood's fault that he could now touch Harry.

I should feel more hatred towards my ancestors. I should feel more hatred towards these hair and eyes. I should hate myself more. But a small part of me, that prevented me from hating myself entirely, knew that because of the blood that ran through my veins, Cedric lived. That despite the fact that the power my blood held originated from selfishness and greed, it had done something entirely opposite of that.

I looked over at the Hufflepuff table and saw Cedric smiling at his friends. That small part of me grew stronger, and it completely drowned the memory I had of Cedric lying dead in the graveyard.

"Y/N." I heard Draco call to me softly. "Are you all right?"

Draco's voice pulled me back from my train of thoughts, and I nodded mindlessly at him

"Yeah. I'm all right."

I can tell that Draco wanted to ask me questions, numerous questions. But for some reason, he was holding himself back. Even Pansy, Daphne, Theo, and Blaise kept their mouths shut, and tried to avoid any topic of conversation that touched upon what happened that day of the Third Task.

The third term was finished and we were free of classes. We now only awaited the results of our end of the year exams, but my mind was far from that. After breakfast, I quietly retreated back to the Slytherin Common Room and went straight to the dormitory. I laid there in bed, not sleeping, just staring at the ceiling, while Daphne and Pansy accompanied me. None of them said anything and just let me be.

Later, while on our way to dinner, I found out from Draco that Dumbledore had spoken to the school the morning after the day of the Third Task. He had merely requested that nobody ask me, Cedric, and Harry any questions, or badger us to tell the story of what had happened.

Most people, I now noticed, were skirting away from me at the corridors, some whispered behind their hands as I passed, probably forming theories of what happened that night and how I got involved in the Third Task. I found that I didn't care very much, actually. I mainly kept to myself and my friends during meals and stayed inside my dormitory for the rest of the time. I didn't try to talk to Harry, nor try to approach Cedric either. I didn't really know what to say to either of them, anyways.

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