Chapter 77 - The Witch Weekly Article

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After the Second Task, everybody was keen to know the details that surrounded being taken as a treasure — I insisted to everyone that we were more like hostages — but I had no answers for my friends and Draco, or to any one who asked. All I could really tell them was that Moody took us to meet with Snape and McGonagall, and that the two had put us into a what could only be described a bewitched sleep.

Ron had two versions of the story though; One version matched what Hermione and I told to those who asked, while his second one was far more embellished. He relayed a thrilling tale of kidnapping in which he struggled single-handedly against fifty heavily-armed merpeople who had to beat him into submission before they were able to tie him down.

Theo had heard this particular version and asked me how I was able to face such a situation. I didn't say anything though as to not embarrass Ron. But when Ron had repeatedly told this story in front of the girls who were now keen to give their attention to him, Hermione's had enough.

"I could've taken those mer-idiots down anytime." Ron said loudly during the many times he talked about it in the corridors on our way between classes.

Hermione scoffed at him, obviously irritated. "What were you going to do? Snore at them?"

Ron's face turned bright red and had reverted back to his first version of the story.

Thankfully, Harry had the real answers for us.

He relayed that after we were taken by Moody, he went straight to bed and was woken up by Dobby the next day with the promised Gillyweed in hand. He had described to us what Gillyweed looked like when Ron asked, and I had almost vomited when I imagined putting a slimy greyish green rat tail looking plant in my mouth.

"What did it feel like though?" Ron asked. "After taking the Gillyweed?"

"Like an invisible pillow was clapped over my mouth and nose." Harry said. "And then I grew gills on my neck and my hand and feet became webbed — like fins and flippers."

"What was it like down at the Black Lake?" I asked. I've seen it through the Slytherin common room windows, of course, but I knew that there was far more to it than the views our windows provided.

"Almost like a whole different world." Harry said as he rummaged through his memories. "Like a vast forest of tangled seaweeds and muddy plains riddled with glimmering stones."

"There were tons of other creatures too, like Y/N said, not just fish." Harry continued. "The Grindylows also tried to attack me, dragging me down to the depths of the lake, but I successfully escaped from them."

"How did you find us then?" Hermione asked.

"I heard the song from the Golden Egg so I followed it and ended up at some kind of village for merpeople." He said. "A whole crowd of merpeople were floating in front of the houses that lined, what looked like, a village square where some were singing the song from the egg."

"And then that's when I saw all of you." Harry fought a frown at the memory. "You were all tied to the tail of a huge merperson statue."

"I thought for a moment that you were dead." Harry winced. "But when I neared, I saw fine streams of bubbles coming out of your mouths. Tons of mermen carrying spears were there, standing guard."

"I guess Ron was right about the armed merpeople." I chuckled as Ron grinned proudly. Hermione just rolled her eyes.

"I got hold of a rock and started hacking at the ropes that tied Ron down. After, I moved on to Y/N but the mermen pulled me away, saying that I could only take one."

"Glad to know that you thought to save me last." Hermione said jokingly.

"Y/N was nearer to where Ron was." Harry laughed. "I promise I insisted to save you three even though they were pointing their spears at me."

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