The New Years Eve Party

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My dad is happier today, so I decide I should walk out of my room to ask him to go out for New Years tonight. Since it's New Years Eve.

As I walk out I see all of the security guards look at me. My favorite, George, tells me I need to put on a different outfit to see my dad. I look down and see my olive skin exposed in my crop top and shorts. I sigh and think about the last time I walked out in something like this.

"Thank you George" I mutter.

Before I could walk back into my room George calls my name. "Aurora, do your hair as well, I can't kill your dad but every time something happens I want to kill him" I look at my curly hair that usually hits just under my shoulders but now it's at my shoulder, Gosh it needs a brush. I smile, walk in my room and get in my shower.

When I got out of the shower I do my hair putting it in two braids.

I walked back out smiling at George making my way into my dads huge office. I walk in to see him not in a suit, I'm surprised, instead he's in pajamas.

I look at him and see his pale face that was smiling until I came in, now frowning, all I can feel is a pit in my stomach.

My dad isn't like the other men you see in the mafia my dad isn't muscular and doesn't have any tattoos. He's looks like a normal dad.

"Hello" I say, you can obviously hear i'm nervous. He looks at me and smiles which makes me smile. "I want to know if I can go to a party tonight." He looks at me for a second before speaking, "Yes, you are going to a party. A business party I have a surprise for you, be ready by 5." I nod and walk out.

Outside my room like always is George. I look at him and I guess you can tell I look unsettled. Everyone close to me knows how much I hate "business parties" they always turn into something bad.

"It's a party by your mafia, my love, you'll be okay" George tells me with a sweet smile. I smile and walk in my room.

What to wear, What to wear.

2 hours later

It's 4:30 P.M. I need to pick something to wear. I look in my closet but when nothing sticks out I take out my phone and open up my favorite groupchat with my friend group since I was little.

All of my friends have a dad in the American Mafia so we've just always been close.

Noah has been my best friend since he was born, 3 months after me, may I add. So we're both 17. He has straight blonde hair and light brown eyes. Noah is a fighter and he fights for the girls in the friend group which is everyone but him. Most people are scared of him but I really don't know why.

Noah and I dated when we were 14. That didn't work out but I still love him.

Than there are my babies Charlotte and Emma. I love Emma. Emma is quiet but very nice and also super sarcastic.

Charlottes the most sarcastic person you can ever meet but I love her more than life. She's also a fighter. She's my mini me. Their both 16.

Aurora : dads throwing a party don't know what wear help asap.
man-whore: maybe wear nothing we'd all be happy to see that.
Mini Me: No we would not. Please don't. you're hot tho baby
man-whore: i used to date her. she's bad in bed <3
Aurora: I am perfect in bed. now what do you guys think of this dress.

Mini Me: emma we're breaking up

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Mini Me: emma we're breaking up.
Emma: definitely
man-whore: it's really cute. you should 100% pick that one.

I close my phone and look at myself in the mirror. I've always loved my body. I have curves and a little bit of tummy that I love to embrace.

I touch up my beautiful curly hair and look at my skin both which I got from my mother and I walk out of my room. My phone went off like 5 times. Of course it's from the groupchat.

man-whore: #onmywaytoyourhouse
Mini Me : #metoo
Emma: ofc you guys are going to her house we all are now why the actual fuck are you talking in hashtags.
man-whore: aren't you like 12?
Emma: don't you get no hoes. haven't you been single since Aurora broke up with you.

After that there was nothing. I sit down in the ball room waiting for people to show up. They eventually start coming in one by one. Some with dates. Some not. Some with little kids as well. All I could think about was my surprise. But my thoughts were interrupted by my best friends coming up to me.

"Bella where the hell have you been loca" As soon as I hear that I stand up and hug the curly headed girl in front of me. She's wearing this beautiful short black dress.

and holding her hand is Char in a red  short dress

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and holding her hand is Char in a red short dress.

They always look so beautiful

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They always look so beautiful. Before I could say anything the man himself walks in. "Hello my favorite bitches" Noah says.

Hours later

I've been hanging out with these losers all night but it's time for new years. Every year at new years Noah and I kiss just because we never have anyone to kiss.

As the countdown goes on. Emma stands right next to Char and I stand right next to Noah. There are hundreds of Thousands of Mafia leader and people in the mafia around us. For some reason they put off all of their hatred for every party. I hear the countdown from 10 start.


Noah like he does every year swings me towards him and grabs my face but before he kisses me he kisses my nose. It's not a tongue kiss just a little peck so we don't feel lonely.

We giggle as Char and Emma are going at it. And finally this night is over and me and my friends can go in my room and have the best New years sleepover ever (like we do every year).

That is until my dad gets up and says he has an announcement.

Word count : 1132


My tiktok: @ ihrtwattpad
My instagram: justalvoer_

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