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As we pull in, I see a big open lake with a beautiful view, and a canoe. Matteo sets all of our stuff down on the dock and motions for me to follow him, I do as I'm told.

We go to the canoe. It has a pillow and a blanket inside. "Are we getting on that?" I stupidity ask. "No we're going to watch it ride away, get on the canoa (canoe)"

I feel like it didn't need to be said in such an angry tone but I won't get annoyed with him right before we're due to get married, so I sit in the canoe.

The dress Matteo got me is like a wedding, prom dress thing. It's white and long, I love it.

"Matteo?" I turn to face him. "I live in Italy now, our 2 children will speak Italian, don't you think you should teach me how to speak it?" He looks at me for a second.

"Avrei dovuto passare molto tempo fa, come quando ti ho incontrato per la prima volta. ( I should have a long time ago, like when I first met you.)" I look at him confused, but he looks kind of distraught so I just continue to stare.

"Mi dispiace amore mio. Ti insegnerò qualsiasi cosa. (I'm sorry my love. I'll teach you anything.)" He looks at me smiling. "What do you want to know?"

"Thank you." I say

"Grazie" He replies


"per favore."

"I love you."

"Ti voglio bene."

"I can't wait to marry you."

"Non vedo l'ora di sposarti."

"I want you right now."

"ti voglio ora."

"ti voglio ora." I repeat. He looks up from his phone staring. "Why is your accent so good amore mia." He asks putting his phone away.

"From listening." I tell him.

"How do you say," I pause staring at him, "Fuck me?"


"Good to know." I turn around focusing on the pretty views. "Aurora." I hear him say. I turn around slightly as he's doing all the work to keep the canoe going. "Yes."

"I love you."

"I love you."

We sit in silence as we go full circle. We've been on the lake for about 20 minutes finally turing around going back to the dock. I didn't think this was a horrible experience. But all I could think about the whole time was marrying him.

We stopped at the dock, before I could get off Matteo stops me. "Scopami amoré." Perfect idea.

45 minutes later:

I sit leaned against the pillow and the edge of the canoe as Matteo tightens my bathing suit. "We almost fell into the water 20 times. This was a horrible idea." I say getting out, legs wobbling. He stares at me, "You didn't like it." He gets out laying the blanket on the dock.

"No I loved it. But I wouldn't have liked it if I fell in." I sit on the blanket.

"I brought you a sweater and your book." He opens the basket pulling out Ugly Love, God I love him.

"Thank you my love." He smiles. "For everything, I thank you. For being there for me, for loving me, and for my children."

"I love you amore."

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