Ti Amo Tesoro

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Walking out of the office and shutting the door, I take a picture of the card and grab my bag throwing my phone and the card in there. I can't believe he has another kid. My mind wanders to the imaginations of this child, what does he look like, how was he treated, what will he call us?

I walk straight trying to find my way to the dumb safety room. I have no idea where it is. I turn around and run right into someone's chest, "Hello pretty girl." Someone with a heavy accent says.

I look up and see a tall, pale skinned bald guy looking down at me. I look down and see a rifle in his hand. "So, you're here to kill me?" I ask. He chuckles slightly, "No, I'm here to take you, killing you is all up to Daisy."

I can't help but burst into laughter. 1. No man is going to hurt me. 2. Daisy is giving no one orders. His hand goes to my throat as he pushes me into a wall, this is definitely not like when Matteo does it, this is painful.

I can't breathe, I'm looking him in his eyes that show no sign of remorse, "Why are you laughing?" He asks turning his head.

I quickly bring my knee into his dick, hard causing him to groan and move off of me. I'm so glad my dad forced me to run growing up.

He chased after me, my legs begin to burn as I run around corners not knowing where I'm going. I feel my stomach rumbling, this is not a good time for morning sickness. "MATTEO" I yell out.

I don't expect him to hear me but I can't possible be that far from his office. I turn into one hallway that has 3 guards and two doors.

I stop running and throw my head down, "Man... chasing...me...Russian...man." I exhale not being able to slow my breathing. They all guard up and walk down the hall, besides one. One bulky darkskin woman throws me into one of the rooms.

She stays in the room with me staring at the door. I look around and see a bed, a couch, a refrigerator, and a PS5, "What's this room?" I ask sitting on the bed.

The woman's eyes don't leave the door, "It's safe room #5. This is the one you were supposed to be coming to." Her hand goes to her ear as she nods and turns to me.

"Was the man tall and bald?" I nod as she confirms into her ear peice. "What's your name?" I ask as she sits on a chair facing me by the door. "Amarie" She says lightly reloading her gun.

"He's such a liar." I scoff. "What did you say ma'am?" I smile at her not knowing what else to do. "Matteo, he told me he didn't hire Americans but I've met two."

She looks at me, "He didn't hire me, Enzo did," She pauses for a second, "Enzo took me, my husband, and my brother in. He said he would pay us to stand guard. We were children when he took us in from the American Mafia, we were mistreated. In fact I remember you and your dad."

I give her a look as she gives me a look of sympathy, like she knows what he did. "We were all best friends, Enzo trained us to work for him. As he trained Matteo, we're all 3 years older than Matteo. Enzo even paid for my wedding. Now we're guards. My husbands one of the men who just ran after the guy chasing you and my brother works in the front."

"Enzo is one man." I say smiling. She smiles back at me. Enzo is one hell of a man. Enzo is one of my fathers I got to choose. If my mother was still alive she would admire him but not only him but his loyalty to Sofia and to the Mafia children.

I love Enzo to infinity.


Walking into the house I feel defeated. I should have stayed to make sure Daisy didn't hurt Matteo any further but I can't stay there. I hate it there.

I seem to be a bad father recently with Aurora and Matteo. What kind of father leaves their son with someone like that and tells them to deal with it? What kind of father tells their daughter to leave?

Walking deeper into the house I smell fresh baked cookies. I called Sofia on the way here she must have known to cook me something good.

I walk in seeing her sitting on the couch, "Tesoro, sono a casa. (Sweetheart, I'm home.)" I walk up to her as she gives me a humming sound in response.

I walk up to the couch sitting down. I wrap my arm around her, she's knitting, "vecchia signora (old lady)" Her eyes turn to me as she gives me a stern look, "niente biscotti per te, vecchio. Dovresti guardare la tua pressione sanguigna. (no cookies for you than, old man. You should watch your blood pressure)"

I put my hand over my heart pretending to go into a cardiac arrest. She pushes me down off the couch while giggling. Sofia is my casa (home). She will forever be my casa. Sofia was there for me when no one else was. Sofia helped me raise my beautiful boy and the beautiful boy my best friend had to leave with me.

"Enzo. I think we should pray." Sofia is big on praying, she does it often. I'm not so big on praying but I'll gladly sit and watch her. "I think I'll stay down here love, I'm tired." She slowly nods and makes her way upstairs.

Standing up I make my way to the kitchen. I grab a cookie and pull out my phone seeing a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Your house is next, than your son, than his girlfriend. You shouldn't have messed with us.

As the realization set in I start running up the stairs to get Sofia. All the guards stare.


"Dio per favore, chiedo assistenza e consigli, chiedo aiuto e chiarezza. (God please, I ask for assistance and advice, I ask for help and clarity)" Before I could continue my prayer Enzo burst into our room yelling my name. I start to get up before everything goes blank.

I feel myself being blown into a wall as my ears ring worse than anything I've ever felt before. My eyes water as I slowly look over.

I feel like my body is beating in pain as it vibrates off of me. I turn my head seeing Enzo bleeding through his ears and his body looking at me.

I lightly smile as the pain I feel goes away suddenly, "Ti amo tesoro (I love you darling)."

Word count: 1170


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