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"Charlotte fucking move" Aurora yells at me once again while I try and back her into the corner between the bed. "Yeah Charlotte move, we only want her." One of the russian people yelled. I turn around to a guy facing me, smiling. I slowly raise my gun putting it to his forehead, shooting him. I don't shoot a lot of people.

"Give me a gun Char" she pleads. I make my way off of her and hand her a gun out of my pants. She immediately goes crazy. Shooting everything in sight. She's always been like this, when a gun reaches her, she has to shoot.

She doesn't stop even when she misses, that is until the door swings open.

Matteo walks in and grabs the man that's been sitting in the back ducking for the past 30 minutes. He puts the gun to his head, "I'll kill him, and all of you know I won't hesitate." the guy speaks, "Do it." His accent is heavy, I almost don't hear him.

Immediately Matteo shoots him, leaving blood splattering all over the place I guess the bullet went straight through.

Every person there starts going for Matteo, he tries to fight them off but he can't by himself. I begin to shoot the guys in the back as Noah shoots the guys on the left side. There's only 5 guys here. There was 30 but we killed them.

Aurora stays in the back as much as she wanted to fight she doesn't want to be seen now. As all of the people slowly fall there's one more person left. He isn't even holding the gun right and he looks scared. "Not him." Matteo yells.

Matteo opens the bathroom door and throws the kid in there, "We have to burn the building down." All of our eyes shoot to Luca who just left the closet.

"Yeah Luca we do" Noah says. Aurora comes out from hiding running past all of us and into Matteo's arms. If I told you I understood their relationship I would be lying.


In his arms I felt safe. I felt myself sinking into it, I never want to leave this spot. He slowly pushes me away grabbing my hand and putting me by his side. "We gotta go, get everything you need." He says to everyone.


We walk to his car, he brought one of the guard cars so we could all fit. He throws my suitcase in the back as we wait for everyone to get in. He picks up his phone and dials a number, "You can come now. Get the kid out the bathroom, bring him to the warehouse." He pulls off.

"Do you guys need to go to the airport?" I ask. Charlotte nods her head as she rests it on the shoulder of Emma. He stops the car. "Aurora I need you to drive, I'm drunk." He groans.

The next morning:


I wake up to the news playing, "Thank you, the moneys been transferred. Always a pleasure working with you." Matteo says before throwing his phone on the bed and turning the tv off.

Last night Matteo just slept in my bed. I didn't change from the night before, I didn't have the energy.

I sit up and see him walking towards the door, "Stop." he turns and looks at me confused, "What's wrong amore." my eyes shut as I look down, "Stay, please." I let out looking up.

His eyes turn into a sympathetic glance as he walks closer eventually reaching me. I stare up at him as his hands reach my cheeks, "If I could I would. Todays important, you can't come, you're carrying my offspring." He leans down and kisses my temple, sitting there for a second.

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