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SMUT WARNING ⚠️!!! I would recommend playing the song at the top when it has a ⚠️ after the paragraph but you can start it whenever !!!

2 hours later:


We've been driving for so long. The only sound being from Tiktok or the low music on the radio. I can not take this anymore. "Matteo Romeo De-Luca"I almost groan out. He looks over at me with innocent eyes. I love his eyes.

"Yes, Aurora Andrea Nadir" I can't help but smile. "Where are we going, we've been driving for forever." His eyes are back on the road, "Aurora, we're here don't worry." I look up as he's pulling into a small parking lot. I look over and see a beach sign. Did he take me to beach in the middle of January? Before I could speak he unbuckles his seatbelt and looks at me, "Don't open your door." I nod.

He gets out and goes to the trunk coming back over to my side. He opens my door and I see him with a huge blue fluffy blanket and a jacket.

I get out and feel the breeze. He puts the blanket on top of the car and wraps the black jacket around me. I'm guessing it's his because it's huge. He grabs the blanket and my hand and we start walking.

"Romeo, is this a date?" I ask while fake gasping. He chuckles. His voice makes butterflies enter my stomach for what seems like ages but his little chuckles, they make me want to do dirty dirty things to him.

"Yes this is a date. Not that we're dating. But we're going to be married" I look up at him and stay silent. I'm on a date with Matteo right now. Oh My God I'm on a date with Matteo right now.

We make it down to the beach so I take my heels off. The sand is freezing but bearable. The ocean is semi frozen. I'm still really confused on why we're here he said it's a safe place but this place is very unsafe. No guards are here, I think. No guns are present, I think.

He puts one blanket down. He had two blankets? When he's done he signals for me to sit down. I do as I'm told, he sits right next to me.

"When I'm scared, or stressed, or upset I come here" He starts as I'm looking at him, "José would bring me here at random times, and when I got my licenses I started coming here alone. To yell, to shoot something, or to calm down. You might need any of those things right now." I look at him for a second before slowly resting my head on his shoulder. He threw the big fluffy blanket over us and sighed.

He brought me to his safe spot. He felt safe enough with me to do this. "Romeo" We lock eyes for a second before our lips crash into eachothers.

This time it's different. it's not like the other times it's more passionate more demanding. We let go of eachother for a second I look down at his swollen lips and go back in. He slowly lays himself down as I crawl on top of him. I hold my hair to one side of my face while kissing him. His hands are on my thighs going up and up as the dress pulls up.
"Matteo." I groan while tugging at his jacket over his shirt. He notices and starts taking it off.  I look at him as I'm unbuttoning his vest. He smiles at me.

Damn one kiss. I lean down and give him one gently kiss. When I'm finally done unbuttoning it, he takes it off, the tie and the shirt. I look at his bare skin and feel desperate for his taste again. Our eyes lock as my hands slide down his abs, "Aurora, please" He lets out sounding very submissive. I lean down and kiss him again.

I start to take off the jacket he has on me while maintaining the kiss, I start to take off my dress dreading breaking up the kiss.

I break out of the kiss and take off the dress. He looks at me bare in my lace white bra and my random pair of red underwear. He flips us and starts kissing down my neck leaving a feeling of sensation each time he kisses a spot. He gets down to my breast. "Can I take this off" He says as his cold fingers brush against my shoulders holding the bra. "Yes" I let out.

He takes it off and my breast are fully exposed in the cold air making my nipples harden. "you're so beautiful" He kisses down my breast holding one and sucking the other. I let out a slight moan from the feeling he's giving me. Making him send me a breathy chuckle. Fuck he is so hot.

He makes his way down to my underwear. "Can I take these off" He asks as he runs his fingers down my thighs.

"Please" is all I say before he takes them off and throws them to the side. I feel his finger sliding up and down. It's cold but a good type of cold. The type of cold that also brings me warmth and pleasure.

"Fuck matteo" I let out as he slips two fingers in me. He slowly starts licking my clit as I hold his head, more like his hair. I can't control the moans I'm letting out. Suddenly, I'm warm.

His cold fingers on my thighs and the others warming up in me. My back arching as his face sits in the middle of my thighs. I can feel myself reaching my climax when his fingers and tongue start slowing down. Before I could finish he takes his fingers out and kisses up my skin letting each place feel his soft kisses.

When he gets to my face he grabs my chin and puts his fingers in my mouth, "Don't you taste good?" He asks making me throw my head back. Could he get any hotter. He grabs my neck and pulls me up. Choking, I like. He kisses me before pulling his pants and boxers off revealing himself. How in Gods name am I going to take that?

He looks at me, "Do you want to keep going." I look at him, he looks very serious, "Mhm" Is all I can let out. "I'm going to need yes or no amore mio (My love)"

Wow. I want to marry him now. "Yes,Matteo I want to keep going." He nods and slowly puts himself in me. We both gasp and push our heads back. He grabs my neck and puts his head next to my neck not moving letting me get used to him. "You ready" He asks. "Yes." I let out almost sounding demanding.

He gets up not letting go of my neck as he slowly strokes in and out of me. "Yes Matteo" I moan out as he tightens his grip on my neck. His heavy breathing is making me want more of him. "Deeper Matteo please." I moan out.

He pushes himself into me and out of me. Fuck I've never felt like this before. He starts going faster making my legs shake. "Fuck Matteo" I yell out as I throw my head back and my hands grip onto the blanket.

He grabs my face, "Look at me." He demands, "Look away and we're leaving." I look up with him as my eyes start to water. "Matteo" I moan out as I push on his stomach. He lightly moves my head down as he continues his movements over top of me now griping my thighs tighter than he was griping my neck.

That is definitely going to bruise. He strokes again as he's leaning down kissing my neck,  I feel myself tighten around him, "Fuck, baby" He moans in my ear. His deep voice sending vibrations throughout my body.

"I'm going to cum Matteo" I let out. He kisses me as I moan in his ear and grip my thighs around him. "Cum baby it's ok" I can feel myself coming undone. I feel my legs shaking, I let out a loud moan and lay my head back. He continues to lay down on me as a grip his hair.

His stroking being in just the right places at just the right times.

Matteo let's himself out of me. "Knees. Now." He demands. I do as i'm told again. He starts stroking himself into my mouth. I help.

He came in my mouth. I swallowed it and he came down, wiped my lips and kissed me. A gentle kiss. A kiss I don't want to forget. "Come on put on your dress, let's get food baby. You did a great job." He whispers in my ear as he kisses my cheek.

Word count : 1415

Give me song Recommendations 😩😩😩
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