Thats my son

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song can be played at any point


"No becasue that's so valid, why would you have a baby in your profession? It does seem smart to wait." I say to Amarie as I lay on the bed. I've been here for 3 hours. I no longer hear gunshots but Matteo hasn't come to get me yet.

Suddenly my phone rings Guard why are the guards at the house calling me? "Ma'am" He says. In the background you can hear sirens and screams. "Yes, what happened?" The man's breathing gets heavy, "We need you back here immediately. The Russians threw a bomb into the house, It's almost completely to the ground."

I hang up the phone looking at Amarie. My face drops, "Aurora, what's wrong?" she asks. I can't say anything, it's like my throat closed, Sofia was in the house. "Where's Matteo?" I ask looking down.

She asks that same question on her ear peice. No one answers. I get off the bed and run over to the door. Amarie stops me, grabbing me by my shoulders, "You know I can't let you do that."

I groan, "Let me go, I can handle myself." Amarie sends me a look telling me to sit the fuck down, will I be listening? No.

I grab the gun she has set on the chair and aim it at her. I feel bad but I need to get through. She can't hurt me, if she does she's dead.

"Aurora put the fucking gun down." She rolls her eyes, "You can go but I have to go with you." I nod putting the gun down and walking out the room. She walks behind me slowly.


We made it to the office stepping over hundreds of dead Russians and about maybe 20 dead Italians. I walk into the office and see Matteo sitting at his chair writing something down in his journal.

"Baby." I say softly. He looks up and runs over to me. "Aurora you aren't supposed to come out." He says hugging me, "Matteo sit down." I motion for him to sit on his couch. He gives me a weird look but does it. Amarie slowly leaves the room.

"Matteo, they got to your house," his eyes shoot up to mine, "They threw a bomb in, half the house is gone." He clears his throat as he plays with his rings. I grab his hands into mine and sit them there.

He stands up taking my hand and walking out of the door and towards the exit. We make it to his car. As soon as we get in it's pedal to the metal. No talking, just speeding dangerously fast.


When we get to the house there's about 10 police cars, 7 fire trucks, and about 15 ambulance's taking 3 people at a time. I look over at Matteo seeing him visable tense up, "Take your time Matteo. We get out of the car when you're ready." He looks over at me as tears escape his eyes, "Aurora I can't do this anymore. I'm so fucking tired." He cries.

I slowly reach my hands to his cheeks wiping off his tears as his eyes produce more. I send him a small smile, he once told me that my smile could cure 1000 sick people. Let's hope he still thinks that.

"You got this Matteo. I'm so proud of you my love." I reach over slightly kissing him ever so gently. "Come on." He says wiping his tears.

We both get out of the car. I wait for him to get to my side, when he does he stops and waits for me to put my arm around his, I do.

We walk up to a police officer, "Are you," He looks down at his notepad, "Matteo De-Luca." Matteo hates the cops. But these are the ones that work for him, but this one must be new.

He looks scared to talk to Matteo which could be because it's his first time meeting him or because Matteo towers over this poor person.

Matteo speaks, "Yes, now where the fuck are my parents." The man looks around, "I don't know sir." I look at the guys name tag as Matteo gets even more angry, Cortez, letting go of Matteo's arm I go in front of him, "Thank you Cortez for all of your help."

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