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This chapter is inspired by 'The Act Of Innocence'. There is a lot of italian so look for "( " in italics and a whole bunch of words after FOR EXAMPLE (i love you) Hope you enjoy


I can't breathe. My world is spinning. I can't believe I left him there. It's been 4 hours and he still isn't back. It's about 2 in the morning. He's dead, I shouldn't have left I should have stayed.

I get off my bed and start walking towards his room. George sees me, "Aurora is it not 2 in the morning where are you going?" I can't help but run into him wrapping my arms around him sobbing into his body. His arms wrap around me forming a hug.

I don't see an end to my crying but George standing here hugging me while all the other guards listen to me cry is comforting. Besides the other guards part. I can feel them staring meaning they broke barren.

I pull away and he sends me a look, a concerned "I'll kill anyone for you" look. "They took him George. They took him like 4 hours ago." He told me to leave him there but I stayed. I stayed in the area until about an hour ago when I started coming home.

George's eyebrows raise, "Who?" I can't tell him it was Noah because it can't possibly be Noah.

He takes my hand and walks me to Enzo and Sofias room. He knocks. We're standing there for a minute until a tired looking Enzo in sweats and a t-shirt came to the door.

"Yes, Aurora have you been crying? George is everything alright?" He asks. "Sir, Aurora is saying someone took Matteo." Enzo's eyes go wide. "Who?" Enzo asks lightly. Almost too lightly, "AURORA WHO" He yells getting close to me.

My body goes closer to George as he slightly steps in front of me. Sofia comes out into the hallway with the rest of us, "Enzo, honey why are you yelling?" Enzo looks at me with an evil glare, "The American Mafia" I let out and all eyes are on me, "It was Noah leading them."

Sofias eyes don't leave mine as the realization hits, "When Aurora?" She asks in her normal tone, "4 hours ago". Enzo looks angry, "YOU LEFT MY SON FOR 4 HOURS YOU BITCH. I BET YOU HELPED SO YOU COULD SUCK OFF NOAH" He yells stepping towards me.

My heart is racing and I feel like at any minute I'm going to pass out. I don't like Noah. I love Matteo. I would never do that. Why does he think that?

Sofia steps to Enzo, "Do not talk to her like her. Aurora loves him," She pauses and looks at me, "What happened"

"He took me to the park we got there at like 10ish. All was ok until we heard gun shots, he got in front of me. They were far away but trying to shoot at us. It was like 30 people and Matteo was also shooting, we thought we were okay for the most part until Noah's voice screamed that they just want Matteo." I pause,

"I heard it was him and screamed his name making them call it off but they were still standing there just in a huddle like a um team meeting. He turned to me and gave me the keys telling me if he's not back in 5 minutes leave. He wasn't back but I couldn't take myself home so I just drove around in case he was somewhere else and needed ride. I swear I just got back."

They all look at me like I'm crazy. George looks angry but not at me, at Enzo. Enzo also looks angry but at me and Sofia looks petrified. "I'm sorry." I whisper putting my head down. I feel Sofias arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug, "It's not your fault Aurora. We will find him and bring him home to you"

I want him now. I want his body on me, the sweet smell of mint that he gives off to sworm around me. But for now all I can do is nod. I start to walk back to my room until the door opens. A very drunk Matteo comes in.

I begin running down the stairs and into his arms but when I reach his arms he pushes me to the ground, "Get the fuck off of me." He mutters as I land on the ground. What the fuck did I do to him.

I get up as everyone watches us. Enzo and Sofia makes there way to him, "Non è stato affatto bello Matteo. Scusati e dimmi subito cosa è successo. (That was not nice at all Matteo. Apologize and tell me right now what happened.)" Sofia says. I don't know what she just said but she sounds serious.

"dispiace (sorry)" He scoffs out. I still don't know what he's saying. Before I could speak Sofia hits him and yells out, "L'hai spaventata a morte per metà e questo è tutto ciò che ottiene. Non sa nemmeno l'italiano. Scusati ora, in inglese, e sul serio. (You scared her half to death and that's all she gets. She doesn't even know Italian. Apologize now, in english, and mean it.)"

What the fuck is going on.

Matteo walks up to me looking me in my eyes. It seems like he's stopping himself from doing something, "Sorry. Go upstairs, now." I can't help but just look at him. Why is he being so cold. What happened?

I walk upstairs. Suddenly feeling lightheaded once again.


Speaking in a language she doesn't understand makes it easier to lie to her. I hate it. I wanted to throw myself at her, I wanted to kiss her. It hasn't been that long but I feel like it's been an enternity without her touch.

"Matteo please what happened" My dad says snapping me out of my thoughts, "Luca e Noah si stanno frequentando. Dante ha detto a Noah che se non spezzo il cuore di Aurora ucciderà Luca. È brutto ma non posso vivere senza Luca. Finché non uccidiamo Dante, devo solo prendere le distanze da lei. (Luca and Noah are dating. Dante told Noah that if I don't break Auroras heart he'll kill Luca. It's bad but I can not live without Luca. Until we kill Dante I just have to distance myself from her.)"

Keeping a secret from my parents is quite literally the hardest thing anyone can do. They both looked shocked, "You can not do that" My mom says looking down. She looks upset but there's nothing I can do besides going in my room and sleeping an hour before work. And that's what I'm going to do.

Noah: You're coming to America tomorrow but technically today at 8 AM. be at the airport closest to your house. We'll kill him this month. Until then cut things off with her.

Fuck. giving him a thumbs up is the easiest thing I can do. Walking up to Auroras room preparing myself for what I have to do is the hardest thing.

I walk in and her head pops up and she ends over to me. I take a deep breath, "Aurora. I don't want you to ever come near me again unless needed. I hate you and spending time with you I do it for our future kids but I'm done now. I want you dead. I understand now why your dad hates you so much." She doesn't talk she just looks at me with a blank expression as tears form in her eyes.

"Matteo please, I can do better I can be better. I'll curl my hair back, I'll workout, I'll learn to fight more please Matteo just don't leave me" Hearing her voice crack and seeing tears fall down her face makes it harder to do what I need to. "As soon as I get a son, you're dead." I take a deep another deep breath and leave her room. I just did what I had to do. I want her alive, even if she hates me.

word count: 1366

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