Miss. P

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"I am not supposed to be working until after the wedding!" I shout in the room full of assassins. "Sir, we couldn't tell your father. He doesn't want anything to do with us." My eyes shoot over to my main assassin, Tyler. I grew up with Tyler, and I'm pretty sure Aurora is friends with his wife, Amarie.

"I get that Tyler but this mission was supposed to be easy, so I don't understand how it isn't done yet." I sit a chair waiting for someone to explain when the door opens and Amarie comes through.

"Hello Matteo, and hello Ty." She walks over to Tyler giving him a kiss. They're the only ones allowed to do half the stuff they do, it would go against my father to be rude to them. Not only that, they are my family, Luca is my only friend but not my only chosen sibling.

"Yes Amarie." she turns to me, "We lied." What are they talking about. I stand up angry, they lied to their boss. "What are you talking about Amarie." I step closer to her as I step closer so does Tyler. "Matteo, stop" Tyler speaks to me. I turn to him and walk towards him.

"What the fuck does she mean Ty." He smiles at me before everyone around shouts suprise. "ITS YOUR PRE-WEDDING MAFIA PARTY!" Amarie yells. "A pre what?" I question confused.

"Have you even read the Italian Mafia handbook?" Tyler asks me rolling his eyes. No, I have not. "Every mafia son who takes place of their father gets a pre-wedding mafia party right before the joining of two mafias party." Amarie explains.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do?" I ask sitting back down on my chair sharing my annoyance with everyone in the room.

"I'm so glad you asked," Amarie starts, "We go through all the things we learned as a kid, fighting, shooting, guarding, knife skills, and then you kill someone, easy." She goes and stands next to Ty while I process everything going on.

I want to go home. Not be here with these idiots. "Fine. Can we just get this over with." I groan. "TO THE GUN ROOM!" Tyler yells.

5 PM:

I hate this shit. I want to fucking leave. "Are we done now?" I put the knife down and step back at the wall. "You didn't kill the target?" a random ass guy in the back says. I forgot about that. "Who?" I question grabbing my gun.

"Daisys mom." My eyes don't leave Amaries face. "She's here?" Penelope is here? Miss. P hates Daisy and ran away. No one could find her for like a year. "How did you find her? Where is she?" I ask putting my gun away.

"First target room. See you when you're done!" Ty shouts as I run out of the room. Running around the corners of this warehouse that I never truly noticed was this big until I reached target room one.

I slam the door open to Miss. P beaten up on the floor. "MISS.P" I shout slamming the door and walking over to her.  "Matteo, baby, what are you doing here?" She asks smiling. "You're at my mafias warehouse, are you okay?" She sinks into me as I sit on the ground next to her.

"You have a son, Matteo. I tried to get her to give him to you but she wouldn't." She informs me before coughing up blood. "I know Miss.P, I have him now, me and my fiancé have him."

Though she's in miles of pain her face still lights up when she hears the news. "You're getting married?" I nod slowly as she once again smiles. "Are you happy?" I nod again, "I am very happy Miss. P."

"Do you have a picture?" She asks closing her eyes, I don't want her to die, Miss. P was the only one on my side. Miss. P tried to protect me.

"I have many." I say through a laugh.

"This is Leo and Aurora when we visited Auroras home country of America

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"This is Leo and Aurora when we visited Auroras home country of America." A smile and a sigh leave her mouth. "America." Miss.P is from America, even in the American Mafia, she doesn't even know any Russian. She was kidnapped to marry Daisy's dad. A lot like Vivian actually.

"I guess that's why I'm here than right?" Miss.P questions. "For you to kill me?" My eyes lower slowly, "Yeah Miss. P, I do. But I can fight it, I don't have to." I let her know.

"Matteo, you will do it, and you'll do it quick. I'm bound to die in the next 24 hours anyways." She takes my hand and gives it a little kiss before pushing herself off of me.

Standing up and clearing my throat I can feel pounds and pounds of sobs trying to make their way through. "You treat them right Matteo, I believe in you and everything you stand for. I love you Matteo. You will always be my son."

"Are you sure Miss. P." I ask stopping myself from crying. "Make it quick Matteo."

Without thinking I release a bullet through her head. I watch as her already limp body falls back. All I can think about is my family. I want to be with them right now, I want to be next to Aurora feeling her every breath. Not here, shooting people I love.

I somehow regain feeling in my legs and move towards the door. As soon as I open the door I'm greeting with a cake signed felice matrimonio (happy marriage).

I can't help but scoff and walk away. I want to throw the cake in their faces but Aurora would be mad.


I took a whole lap around the entire warehouse trying to feel pain, trying to feel something but I can't. I make it back to my office and in my seat. "I need a drink."

I grab my work phone and call my secretary, "Emma, I need you to get one of every drink we have in the cellar." I demand hanging up the phone.

Within minutes Emma is scrambling in my office with mini bottles of everything, "Here you go, Sir. Anything else?" She asks laying it all on my desk.

"Can you stay here?" I ask knowing her answer has to be yes or she's getting fired. She nods and sits down, watching me drink bottles after bottles in silence. It burns my throat but I like it, the feeling of feeling, something.

All the mixes are making my stomach turn making me feel like Aurora. I let my head make way to Emma's, staring. "You're pretty Emma, not like Aurora but pretty." I think I'm drunk.

With force my head jolts to the side and I end up throwing up half of what I just drank. "Call the clean up crew Emma."


"It's about 6 oclock now and I still haven't gotten a call from Matteo. Usually he calls when he goes to work, or texts me but he hasn't.

Walking into the living room where everyone is I clear my throat, "I'm going to the Mafia warehouse to check on Matteo, can you guys watch Leo?" They all look at me but only one person answers, "Yes!" Charlotte exclaims running to my room where he is.

I knock on his office door hearing things ruffle around, but he could be in a meeting so I'm not going to open the door.

I hear him hiccup, "Come in." I walk into Emma, his assistant, on the couch and Matteo on his chair.

I look around for a second until my eyes come to his, "What the actual fuck is going on right now?" I question as Matteo gets up, "Nothing Amore, why are you here?"

I look over to Emma who's smiling at me. "Get the fuck out, now." I demand. She slowly gets up making her way to the door. She touches Matteo slightly and smiling before walking out.

"Aurora what is wrong with you?" He slurs out before sloppily walking back to his chair. "Are you drunk?" I ask him. "No." I look to the side of his desk and see bottles on top of bottles sitting there.

"Matteo, did you sleep with her?" His eyes light up, he looks guilty. "No Aurora I didn't, why the fuck would you ask that?" He sounds mad as he stands up. My life flashes before my eyes with every step he takes.

I push myself into a wall. "Aurora what the fuck is wrong with you." He slurs once again. I snap out of every thought of my dad happening in my head. "Nothing Matteo, we're going home, I'm sorry."

Word Count: 1463

I'm really sorry I haven't updated. Wattpad wasn't working and it's currently going through trouble with photos. (just look up Wattpad photos not showing up). I'm not sure when this will be fixed so I'm sorry. They also weren't letting me update and I'm hoping this one will. Love you all <3

To see photos in story follow my instagram: justalvoer_

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