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Hey guys!!! i want to let you guys know a few things - 1. it is April. 2. Auroras hair is still straight. 3. for the time being for the most part there will only be povs of Aurora and Matteo. Song at the top can be played whenever!!! But I'd recommend it when you see a "❤️" enjoy your reading! <3

The next day:


I get up and look around. I remember falling asleep on the couch last night but today I'm in Matteo's room. No Matteo. A groan escapes my lips as I fall back into the pillows.

Last night was horrible. I basically kicked my best friends out because I felt like they hated me. I think I should text them.

Aurora: Hope you guys got home safe!

Texting Noah would be good too since it's his birthday but what am I going to say.

Aurora: Happy happy birthday Noey! I'm so glad I saw you yesterday. I love you so much. I know the mafia is going to be hard but I can't wait to spend more time with you as you come to work with Matteo. I love you so much, I hope you, char, em, and Luca have the most fun you can today, forever us my love! <3

Now we wait for a reply. I honestly don't know why I kicked them out last night but I hope they didn't notice the annoyance I was getting with them. I just felt so left out and alone but I know that's my fault not theirs.

"Miss Aurora" Matteo says in a sing song voice as he walks in. My body pops up as I'm sitting on the bed looking at his beautiful brown eyes that seem to sparkle anytime he's around me. From a far I can't see it. Which sucks it's my favorite part about him.

He closes the door and lays on the bed. He's in the cargo sweatpants I bought him last night and a black shirt. I happen to be in the cargo sweatpants as-well. He is literally never fully dressed so I'm surprised "Why aren't you at work?" I ask. He's usually there at 6 AM.

"Baby it's only 5 AM. Why are you up?" He says I stay quiet as he pushes me down so I'm laying down and gets on top of me laying down on my chest. His body producing heat for mine as i'm only in a sports bra and the cargo pants. I start to play with his hair. His soft dark fluffy hair. He lets out a little groan as his head moves trying to get us closer together. I love him. I love him more than life. I could spend the rest of my life with him. Which I will be doing.

I don't know why i'm up to be honest. "Baby" I start but then an alarm goes off. It's his, I grab his phone and the alarm says, play guitar. "YOU PLAY THE GUITAR" I yell out turning off the alarm.

He quickly gets up and grabs his phone. Why is he being so weird. I start to feel alone without his touch. Did I do something wrong? I sit up slowly, "Did I do something wrong?" He looks at me confused almost like he's thinking.

His eyes pierced on mine. There's the sparkle I love. He does this often. He breaks the eye contact and walks to his closet pulling out a black shirt and throwing it at me. I put it on still very confused. He grabs my hands and pulls me off the bed.

We end up in my room, "Stay." He demands.

He comes back like 5 minutes later with a guitar. A really nice one. "This is Lucy." Did he name his guitar? Before I could help it I burst out laughing. He scoffs and turns to walk away, "No baby stop." He turns around, "Stop I'm serious. I'm laughing because you, Matteo De-Luca the cold hearted child of the Mafia boss that loves no one but his family and has been killing people with no remorse since 14 named your guitar. It's adorable." I say walking up to him and grabbing it.

I start walking towards my mirror, him following just like a lost puppy. It's getting heavy. I turn to look at Matteo, "Can you get me that chair?" He walks over and grabs my stool by my makeup table.

When I sit on the stool and look in the mirror to him behind me admiring everything about me in the mirror. "Matteo" I say lightly, he makes a hm sound as his hands go up to my boobs holding one and kissing my neck.

I would very much like this man to slut me out. I grab my phone and tell him to look up. Before I take a picture he moves his hand slightly down.

I put my phone down and tilt my head back, "Teach me" He smiles at me and puts the guitar in the right position

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I put my phone down and tilt my head back, "Teach me" He smiles at me and puts the guitar in the right position. He puts my hands on both sides of the guitar, "Just play. You'll make something, it probably won't be good but it'll be something"

I scoff and laugh at the same time as I hold one side and strum the other. It does make a sound. An annoying sound but a sound. I look up at the mirror to see him looking down at me playing and smiling.

I stop. He looks into the mirror and our eyes meet. It's like fireworks just went off. His eyes venture to my lips and back. We will not be having sex right now.

I turn around and hand him the guitar. "Play me something." I say. He looks at me, "No." I groan and get off the stool and go to laying in my bed. "Please I'll do anything you want." He looks at me from across the room, "Anything?"He asks with his eyebrows raised.

The sex I'm going to have with this man. I gulp, "Anything." He sits on the bed and I sit up.


He starts to play a song that sounds familiar, hey there delilah It's beautiful. He plays it so well.

Every time he looks up at me while playing I get butterflies. This man is literally the definition of beautiful, he's good looking obviously but to me, him as a whole is the most beautiful thing in the world.

When he finishes he looks at me. I give him the biggest smile and get off the bed while he's still sitting. I walk up to him and take the guitar off his hands laying it on the bed. I'm about to slut him out. I'm standing in between his legs. I go down to kiss him holding his thighs.

He grabs my face and stands up leaving my hands by my side. I don't like that, I put them on his waist.

The kiss is gentle, normal. He pulls away, "I gotta go amore. I'll be back before midnight ti amo (I love you)" He says picking up his guitar, "I love you too" I say as I plump onto the bed. He hasn't even walked out of my room and I miss him.

Oh shit, Noah.

As i'm looking through my list of notifications I don't find one from the group chat or from Noah. Maybe he didn't open it yet. I go onto our messages. He read it as soon as I sent it. Maybe I did do something wrong.

word count: 1206

Hey guys! I hope you liked! make sure to interact <3

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